Otto tried focusing on not losing his way in the raging snow storm. "Otto," he finally said. "I'm from Saxony." The snow made the walking hard, and would wear the men out. The cold ate away at their bones. Snow stuck to their hair and eyebrows. Any longer in this weather and they'd surely go stiff and die. Eventually Otto came upon a rocky outcropping. "Damn," he cursed aloud. "Dear God, help me in my time of need." As he spoke those words, he realized something. This outcropping [i]was[/i] the cave! The snow was so deep it had concealed it. "Oh, here it is!" He started to shovel frantically at the snow. There was enough space now that a small opening would allow him to slide in feet first - and he did so. It was extremely dark inside, and he was just as blind as he was in the snow outside. It was just as cold as well. The only advantage was that the wind contained. He would help Leonid slide in next. "So what's your name," he would ask, fiddling around on the ground to see what was there. Some kind of vines, shrubbery, and other growth. It was dry at least. He ripped it up and tried pulling it together into a small pile. He fiddled in the pouch on his side next, looking for his flint. "Damn the dark." Leonid would here some scratching noises as Otto struggled to strike the flint together. Sparks shot out little by little. Miraculously, the brush that Otto gathered up started to burn. A tiny emission of light eventually turned into a flame. The Teutonic Knight worked to keep it going, grabbing the remaining growth and sitting it around the flame. As the light got brighter, something else became evident. Another body was in the cave. "Good God!" Otto was startled, initially thinking the man alive. But the man was far from alive. He was frozen solid; purple skin, eyes wide open, mouth frozen together. He had froze to death. Fortunately for the two men who had just entered, there was some firewood the man had gathered. "Reckon he's... Lithuanian," the Knight said. "Light armor. Maybe a scout. Might've been following my men. Tried to find shelter in the cave. At least he managed to grab some firewood. Help me put it on the fire."