[center][b]AN ACCUSATION HAS BEEN MADE[/b] Martin Shkreli, you are hearby being accused of [b]Murdering lots[/b]. You may now make your case. [i]Martin Shkreli approaches the stand to plead.[/i] [img]http://s.newsweek.com/sites/www.newsweek.com/files/2016/02/09/29shkreli.jpg[/img] (image 2 perfect, good job xD) [@gcold], you may present your case for being innocent. [@DeadBeatWalking] and [@Cynder] may then present their cases for being guilty. bluetommy2 can look pretty and say and do what he likes. Once all has been said and done, we'll go to [b]vote[/b]. [i]Note: you may accuse someone and vote innocent if you want ect.[/i][/center]