[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/Dresden/port.png[/img][/center] The blond girls sword and transformation made his hair stand on end in the same way it did whenever Michael wielded Amorachius. The was real power there and a whole boatload of questions. If that kind of force was going to the world full of fighters then it was in good hands. "Magic is kind of my [i]stick[/i] so..." The wizard glanced at his staff before looking around the room for a second. He shrugged and then set off after Hibiki. [center][h3]—Midchilda—[/h3][/center] The girl hadn't yet left wherever the portal had dropped them, which was good because he had no idea where they were. He really didn't see what it was that put her in the same league as everyone else but then again he'd also seen his fair share of heavy hitters in small packages. This one was just about the same height as Murphy which meant he better get off of this train of thought before he got his ass kicked. Dresden followed along, gawking around like a tourist. The first thing that he noticed, even before the dig site that they were heading towards was that people were [i]flying[/i]. He'd tried to figure it out once and almost broke his neck and these people were making it look easy. He pointed with his staff. "Let's go that way." At the very least he might be able to ask someone how they do it.