[hider=Zeron Altima] [center][h2][color=f7941d]Zeron Altima[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3a/b0/c9/3ab0c9d7760d2761699defda048b0b22.jpg[/img][/center] Callsign/Nickname: "The Merc" Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Human Occupation/Rank: Planet Colonial Observation Agent Affiliation: UEGNC/Earth Colonial Terrafroming and Development Associates(Also know as ECTerra) Personality: Zeron is quiet, cold, and collective, most of the time if he is left to his work. Although the Marines and the UEGNC personnel find him aggressive, arrogant,and hot headed. If kept to his own, he usually isn't a problem and doesn't have to be babysat by the Marines or the staff. He has also proved to be caring to nature and is disgusted when act of hostility are donned on the alien species if it unwarranted. Making him a huge bummer on space insect fights. He seems to take great pride in his work and research, which some find it extremely odd as he doesn't seem or act like a scientist at all. Especially his cynical nature when it comes to the life of those around him, seeming to always be on the side of wild animals and aliens than his Human kin. Although a hypocrite when any creature standing in the way of his Management's attempt for colonizing or terraforming planets, having no problem in slaying menacing alien tribesman with haste. History: All background information on Zeron is clouded in mystery, his personal file being requiring a Top secret Clearance and a need to know approval to access. What hasn't been encrypted and given to the commanders of the Marine task force, is nothing more than a name, a term of service in the UEGNC, age and birthplace. Nothing useful can be found pertaining to his experience and skill in almost anything. He was to be "Assisted" by the Marines and safeguarded while he did classified research on this expedition. Although it was apparent that he had other motives then just stated by ECTerra. They didn't send a scientist but more of what seemed like a Soldier with out any actual allegiance to the UEGNC. A Mercenary or maybe the Eyes and Ears for ECTerra. This has given him the nickname "The Merc" by the Marines and and found as untrustworthy by the command as a whole. He carries out activity's that do fit his job description, but is clad in Power armor and a Advanced Sword, not a white coat and glasses. The Marines first thought him to be a Undercover Special Operations Operator, but his rude attitude given to the Grunts and command have washed out any other idea of him working for the UEGNC. Weapons and Equipment: [hider=High Frequency Blade] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/e992/f/2013/363/9/d/hf_muramasa_blade____pt__1_2_by_thelaziestandunlucky-d6zw44w.jpg[/img] A sword reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonated at extremely high frequencies. This oscillation weakened the molecular bonds of anything it cut, thereby increasing its cutting ability. The Sword is held in a mechanical charging scabbard. It is mounted on an articulated arm which automatically switched between his back and hip for a faster draw. The Marines have dubbed it "The Red Devil". [/hider] [hider=Mk2840 Auto Pistol] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/90f0/f/2013/183/4/b/m_2189_diplomat_machine_pistol_by_blackdonner-d6bqstd.jpg[/img] The Automatic firing pistol is Zeron's secondary weapon of choice. Holstered on his thigh, it one of his most trusted weapons. It fires a sub sonic 6.5x25mm cartridge. 50 of these bullets can be stored in one magazine. Accurate, fast, and deadly, this weapons only downfall is its habit of overheating causing the weapon to malfunction if a whole magazine was to be fired. [/hider] [hider=ECterra Technologies- Mk 4 "Colonial" Power armor] While Zeron's armor has been heavily customized, the Mk4 still has the base features. Such as Terrain scanning and sampling unit, real time High Definition Camera and recorder, Species tagging and sorting launcher, Biological, Chemical, and Radiation detectors. His personal upgrades to it the armor include increased armor plating, AAA tactical software, and a menacing custom paint job. [/hider] Skills and Abilities: Cyborg: His body had some major altering during his time. The biggest notable change is his reflexes. This has allowed him to make quicker decision making and allowed himself great defense. Allowing him to even block, cut, or deflect Small arms fire with his sword. Although he can only keep up his augmented reflexes for a short period of time until he begins to feel the pain of his body moving in such a speed and eventually causing terrible cramps that could leave him on the floor entirely fatigued and non moving. Swordsmen: Zeron has seemed to have great experience with his weapon of choice, mastering several fighting styles such as Kenjutsu, Kindo, and German Fencing. All of these seem to be lost arts of the human race that he somehow acquired. Or was given... Neural Interface Hud: A display which could feed images directly to Zeron's optic nerve and touch sensations to his fingers, allowing it to create objects which Zeron could touch despite them only existing in his mind. This mostly used with his planet probing and sending information to his management. Quotes: "Quiet, im working!" "Ugh, Don't you grunts have anything better to do? Like kicking rocks!?" "My managers will be pleased with these results..." "Leave those insects alone! They are not your playthings!" [/hider]