[@olcharlieboi] [@KatherinWinter] [@Roseletta] [@Pineappletumble] "..." Gene blinked a few times, before smiling. "Well, you've been a lot warmer than most of the dames I meet...so..We'll just have to wait to see if I thaw your chilled heart..." Gene says, before taking a step back, and spinning around on his heels. "As for you three...you're talkin bout a monster here, right? Well, I too was lookin for them. Wanting to test my...metal." He states, before playing a rift on his guitar. "...So, lucky for you all, I'll be heading along with you! I mean, some backup is always welcome I assume." With that, Gene begins walking inland, gesturing for the others to follow. "Let's get this tour on the road, lady, and gents." He says, with a smirk. He played some tunes as he began walking, a rather chipper tune.