[center][h1][color=red]Shade[/color][/h1][/center][hr] A few hundred yards away, a girl watched the action through the scope of her rifle. She’d been tracking the brunette with the clipboard, most likely one of the so-called “scientists”, for a while, looking for an opportunity. Silent kills were the best when it came to dealing with the Regime; Shade would keep watch while Razor went for the kill. By the time anybody realized what had happened, it would be too late; they'd have the safety of distance and their prey would be thoroughly on edge. Sniping was loud and drew attention, plus the hunting Pokemon were annoyingly good at tracking her down once they were let loose, but she could usually get two or three before having to move. Unfortunately, the presence of the Metang and the general lack of cover made it more difficult. Steel Pokemon always were difficult kills. The prisoner made things more complicated. Shade knew better than most that it tended to be a very short-term state, and it was seldom a pleasant one. She'd seen it before: in all likelihood, the girl would have a temporary stay in a tiny cell, followed by an interrogation in which anything was allowed, then a mockery of a trial before her summary, and possibly publicly televised execution. If she was lucky. The unlucky ones were an exercise in imagination that Shade preferred not to do. Unfortunately, there hadn't been a great deal she could do. As much as Shade might have wanted to help, the girl was surrounded by soldiers. Shade and Razor were good, but not THAT good. One would have to be suicidal to just charge in. Apparently somebody was. An being rather successful at it, if the exploding trucks were any indication. [color=red][i]An Electabuzz? Didn't know they lived out here.[/i][/color] Things began moving very fast, and very surprising. The Electabuzz freed the girl, and after a brief moment the pair took off, straight in Shade’s direction. It would take only seconds for the disoriented guards to give pursuit. Her previous target was now moving to intercept. She'd seen Metang move quickly across open terrain, but the trees would force it to slow down or risk clotheslining its master on a branch. As amazing as that would be to see, the Regime made sure their Pokemon were too well “trained” to let that happen. Shade made her decision. The sharp crack of the rifle echoed through the trees, and one of the guards chasing the fleeing escapee slumped to the ground. She knew Razor was watching everything, and the Sneasel was smart enough to realize what she wanted. He wouldn't be happy about it, but he would understand. Loading in another round, she aimed a snarling Growlithe that was closing on the girl's heels. Another pull of the trigger, and the Puppy Pokemon went tumbling nose over tail. A black blur leaped from amid the forest undergrowth, and blood spurted from the neck of another guard as the Sneasel disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. He'd be heading up into the trees now, attack from another vantage point. Shade turned her aim back to the scientist girl. She was getting close now, and if she ordered Metang to use its psychic abilities, it would be all over for the escapee. Shade took aim, leading the shot, but a moving target heading in a perpendicular direction was not an easy shot to make, as the bullet caught the scientist in the shoulder and knocked her off her seat. [color=red][i]Dammit![/i][/color] The lack of a clean kill made Shade grit her teeth. She only had a handful of bullets left on her, and she doubted that she would get the opportunity to loot the bodies. This girl she was helping had better be worth it. [@A Tattooed Girl][@Dusksong]