In the Glorious Country of England! Litter? We'll fine you. Piss in the lift? We'll arrest you. Drink after 10 P.M.? Go ahead, but don't be a nob head. Exceed the speed limit? We'll fine you. Feed the birds? Go ahead so long as its not rice. Dump rubbish on the streets? We'll arrest you. Fish illegally from the canals? We'll fine you. Chew gum in public? Will ask you for gum Spit on the ground? Its not illegal. Gross, but not illegal. Vandalise something? We'll arrest you Browse porn on the internet? Go ahead so long as its not related to animals or children. Have drugs on your person? Depends how much you have on you. Enough just for you, a fine. Enough for dealing? Arrest. It also rains all the time here. People generally don't give a shit about the environment, as there is a lot of illegal tipping on country roads. Also, don't kill swans. It's very very illegal. They are protected by the Queen. :|