"Yeowch!" yelped Solomon as a burning sensation erupted on his hands. Despite the pain, he held on to the egg, not risking dropping it lest it prove less sturdy than it looked. He felt a rush of energy surge through him, and he exhaled in awe. Turning his head as Charles clapped, he nodded, following him back to the field. The mage gave them a quick rundown on how to take care of the eggs and Solomon wished he brought a notepad with him. Looks like he would be spending a lot of time with it then, despite the incubators they were given, and he began wondering about the nature of the bond he had formed. His next words, however, caught his attention. Elemental Magic training. For the . . . what time this day, Solomon began grinning wide and excitedly. Before that however, he showed them around, stopping finally at their rooms. It was comfortable looking, to say the least. Solomon put his egg into the incubator and flopped into his bed, savoring its fluffiness. "Uuuh," he moaned contentedly.