So first things first, I'll answer the questions and queries you guys have left me, and then I'll start reading through peoples' ideas.I'm crazy short on time today though (I just had to work a 12 hour shift, and then woke up with 2 hours before the start of my next! oups!). Given the influx of players, it might need to wait until Saturday morning before everyone's applications get some feedback. However, I will try to do some when I get home tonight, and some tomorrow morning as well. This RP has my full and undivided attention, and I will strive to get everything done and dusted before the weekend if it's possible. Anyways, without further ado! [hr] [@vietmyke] If nothings changed, you can go ahead and move it over! :) [@Disciple Cain] That's fair enough. Sad to lose you, but I fully understand the reasons why. [@Pathfinder] Yupyup. Welcome aboard. [@Dead Cruiser] I'd modify your regimental sheet into several shorthand versions. You wont need the history section for each contingent, just the numbers, weapons, abilities etc etc. If you get stuck, I'll throw up an example, but time's a little short for me atm. I'll get to your champion when I get a minute. [@Klomster] A single Champion on a great dragon in place of a regiment should be fine, I can't see it breaking things. I'll have to decide upon publication though.I'd imagine this dragon would be fairly powerful, capable of igniting the ground beneath it. A truly terrifying adversary! But i'll need to see him/her in more detail just in case I need to tone it down a bit. [@CorpusMundum] Yah, I'll get to your guys ASAP. [@Vas Khaleen] Muskets would be fine. I was myself thinking of a group of Dwarf gunners who used imbued-ammunition, like Frost or Lightning. I would like to put restrictions on how high tech can go, but I think it'll be easier for me to simply decide on a case by case basis rather than stifle creative potential with vague and wide ranging rules. If you're going to venture into guns or crude mechanics, just ensure it's fit for a fantasy setting where the sword and magic are the mainstay of the world's armies. [quote=@Dead Cruiser] In addition to this question, are logistics (squires, quartermasters, etc) considered among our allotted 500? It happens that I have a mind to draft up numerous "Captain" characters to head the various companies of my regiment. I wonder if it would be allowed for me to use a compressed form of the sheet. "Lieutenant?" [/quote] A good question, and one I was hoping you guys wouldn't touch on! Hehe. So, Camp Followers, let's call 'em. Usually armies would carry around a bunch of people with them; soldiers' wives, tradesmen, goods peddlers, brothels, assistants and attendants. Given the nature of the mission, and that the invading forces are trying to keep as slim as possible (to better avoid detection on their initial landing), the Camp Followers would only exist as an absolute necessity. For example, a few smiths to pull out the dents in your troops' armour, or a small group of surgeons/healers who will deal with the most grievously wounded. So I think it would be best to simply treat them as ghosts. They're there, in the back somewhere, but don't show up until your Champion/Captain decides his men need to refit and rearm. Of course, this wouldn't effect regiments that were self sufficient i.e able to carry out repairs and healing by themselves. EDIT: The Lieutenant idea sounds fine to me, but I'd expect them to be less mighty than Captains.