[u]The Vingers oV Death[/u] [i]A “Sun Striders” VangVic by Hecare Eritas[/i] Chapter 1 VangVall Bloodire Vas unamused. The Alternian diplomat she had been chasing Vor the last tVo days had suddenly Vanished, as iV he Vas turned into smoke. She knelt on the rocky outcrop in the unVaVering Alternian desert sun, Vatching the caVe Vhere the Vleeing troll had last took shelter. He Vent in just a VeV hours ago. Thinking she had him trapped, Bloodire had Valked in aVter him, but he Vas noVhere to be Vound in the tiny creVice. And so she Vaited. Vaited like the sun Vaits on the moon to Vlee its Vrath, Vaited like a predator stalks its helpless prey. The Vaiting made her remember an earlier time. A time Vhen all oV this made sense. But that liVe Vas years past, and this Vas the present. No time to reminisce, no time Vor lost memories. Only time to hunt the sorry Vucks Vho hurt her loVe. They Vould pay, one by one, pay at the mercy oV her Vangs oV death. And as they looked into her Vormless eyes, asking Vhy she murdered them, she Vould reply: Vor reVenge, Vor passion, and Vor peace in the Vorld. Yes, that Vas the noble thing to do and the most poVerVul lesson to teach. Karma exists, and it Vill come knocking at your door in the shape oV a six Voot tall gloVing monster. [i]Author’s notes: This Vas based on the eVents precluded in Volume 2, chapter 5, paragraV Vour oV the “Sun Striders” series. I took artistic liberty in Bloodire’s motiVes, as Ve don’t really knoV Vhy she hunted oVVicials. I mean, any person Vho isn’t an idiot can put tVo and tVo together. I hope to put in another Vriting soon.[/i]