[@Pineappletumble] Iris is sitting on the bed as she tries not to wake James as she opens a suitcase. She opens it to find some clothes and sighs in releive. She notices one of the large bags to move a little bit. She gets off the bed to find out what is inside but gets interubted by a knock on the door. Whatever is in the bag can die on its own as she thinks as she answers the door. A waiter came in carrying two trays cover with a towel on top of the napkin is a envelope on top of the fancy napkin. The waiter left as she glance over at James as she wonder to take a chance to change clothes while he is still asleep. [@SirSqueakalot91] Lila got up early as she usual did as always, she glance over at Roger and decides to let him continue sleeping. She is bored at the moment as she starts to sew threads together to keep herself looking out the window towards the ocean. She is ready to get the day started to see where it takes her today. She hears a knock on the door, she puts the threads down. She answers the door as a waitress enters the room with two trays and puts them on the table and leaves. Lila notices a envelope on top of the tray and waits for her husband to join her for breakfast.