[@Lyghtbringer] [quote]Defensive attacks, aka: reflect, safeguard, protect and detect. How well do those work? Can I use protect to block bullets? Can I use reflect similar to in game, a barrier to weaken physical attacks?[/quote] Yes, defensive moves work the same way they would in the show/game. The blocking bullets is a bit tricky, in my opinion, but I'll let that slide and say yes - that using a move like Protect would in fact keep you safe from incoming bullets as well. [quote]Stat boosting moves, could I have a Pokémon (sneasal) use swords dance, then cut though a metal wall?[/quote] Sounds plausible. ^-^ [quote]Could I have a metapod use harden 50 times then carry it around under my shirt as a makeshift Kevlar vest?[/quote] I'm gonna have to say no to that one x) But that's a pretty interesting idea. In the long run, someone COULD, I just.. I don't really think anyone's gonna have a metapod in this RP xD To have to carry it around everywhere would become tiresome at some point. Can't have anything weighing you down, too much, in this type of setting. [quote]How intelligent are our partners? In-game and in-anime, its implied that pokemon can understand human speech perfectly AFTER being captured, and imperfectly before. Is that the same here?[/quote] I would have to agree that yes, it'd be much like the show/game. However, if a wild pokemon (most of our Rebel companions, because we don't posess the items to [i]actually[/i] capture them) spent enough time around humans, they could potentially learn how to communicate with us and we with them. Same with actual animals in our own world. Training and spending time together gets both you and your pet learning different things about each other. Facial expressions, mannerisms, etc. :]