Internally, Erin was on fire. The embarrassment from her social ineptitude was overwhelming, so much so that she could curl herself into a ball upon the floor and hibernate until the next generation took hold of politics. Externally, her ears [i]might[/i] have turned red. With a breathless and merry laugh, she directs an apology to Anton [color=00a651]"Oh cripes, I'm sorry about that."[/color] She brings a hand to the side of her face and chuckles lightly, directing herself toward Liz afterward, [color=00a651]"And ta you as well. I've done gone and made a fool of myself. The good doctor here is right, I mean no offense. Just a bit startled was all."[/color] She tilts and bows her head sheepishly, her eyes darting to the side as if to follow away the sight of any good impression she might have made. [color=00a651]"T'is a pleasure to meet the both of ya, anyhow." [/color]