[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Riley Walker[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/dbc3d5d1d5c2ee9228f39f3da096fb91/tumblr_nx06j3ysuA1rl5axho1_500.gif[/img] Location: Riley's Bed & Breakfast (Her bedroom) Interacting With:[@twannyman] Gabanre, [@rivaan] Valencia & [@Zhaliora] Patricia[/center] [hr][hr] Riley rubbed the back of her neck slightly and blushed slightly at Valencia and smiled awkwardly. [color=lightgreen]"Sorry my bad, but i'm sure that everyone here will keep it a secret."[/color] Riley said with a soft smile as she went back to her seat and sat down as she continued to eat her dinner, she would look over at Gabanre and shook her head slightly. [color=lightgreen]"Nah I got it, I just need to drive over and get it from the family friend and then park it here for the evening."[/color] Riley's father shook his head as he went back to work, he usually didn't mind working by himself he enjoyed making the food on his own, Riley's mother excused herself as she started to head out of the house she needed to do a little bit of shopping for the evening and for dinner. [color=lightgreen]"It's going to be tomorrow, i'll send a text out to everyone who is coming for confirmation. I think some of them are bringing some food and drinks as well."[/color] Riley said with a smile as she quickly finished eating the rest of her breakfast she looked over at Valencia and Patricia as well. [color=lightgreen]"I was going to head over to the café if any of you three would like to go, I think some of the others are probably there already."[/color]