[h1][center][b][u]Age of Nations[/u][/b][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/Collage_Franco-Prussian_War.jpg[/img][/center] January 1st, 1815. For the first time in so many years, there is peace. The [b]Congress of Nations[/b] has begun and is set to establish order so that never again such a great Tyranny might befall the Continent. The Great Powers will arrange themselves as the Gendarmes of the Continent, forging alliances, treaties and pacts so that law might reign in anarchy, that law might subdue chaos. Still, nations ply their trade, the people rebuild, and the politically inclined look toward new fires. The seeds of nationalism burn brighter now than ever before. New ideas have found their home in the corners of men's minds. [i]Liberalism[/i]. The poison in the heart of Empire. You must strive to maintain Order. Ensure supremacy by expanding trade, maintaining peace within the realm, and conquering your enemies. The old ways yet remain. The Old Ways yet sustain. [hr][hr] This is purely an interest check. [b]Too Long; Didn't Read:[/b] Fictional world mirroring ours in a post-Napoleonic setting. Themes are Imperialism, Industrialization, Modernization and Nationalism. Questions, suggestions, comments? As you well know I run stat heavy RP's. This will be [b]moderate[/b] on stats. [hr][hr] [center][b][u]EXAMPLE NATION[/u][/b][/center] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/33/Flag_of_Lippe_(1815-1880).svg/2000px-Flag_of_Lippe_(1815-1880).svg.png[/img] [u][b][color=red]Kingdom of Boccia[/color][/b][/u] [img]https://s21.postimg.org/ucormh7lz/Kingdom_of_Boccia.png[/img] [i]Kingdom of Boccia, circa 1815[/i][/center] [list][*][b]Capital[/b]: Parmua, Etelia Province [*][b]Head of State[/b]: King Matthias Garibaldi IV [*][b]Government[/b]: [i]Absolute Monarchy[/i] [*][b]Population[/b]: 9,900,000 [*][b]Economy[/b]: +300 [*][b]Boccian Royal Army[/b]: 104,000 Soldiers, 4,000 Boccian Fusiliers, 12,000 Boccian Cavalry [*][b]Boccian Royal Army[/b]: [[b]Unmobilized[/b]] - [Mobilized] | 71% Preparation | 56% Morale [*][b]Boccian Royal Navy[/b]: 12 Sloops, 2 Ships of the Line [hr] [*][b]Ministers[/b][list][*][b]Minister of the Interior[/b]: Fazio Rizzi, 50 [*][b]Foreign Minister[/b]: Vidiano Velardi, 42 [*][b]Minister of the Army[/b]: Paride Conetta, 61 [*][b]Minister of the Navy[/b]: Cecilio Dattilo, 51[/list][hr] [*][b]Unrest[/b] [list][*][b]Styria[/b]: 0 [*][b]Etelia[/b]: 1 [/list][hr] [*][b]Status[/b]: Junior Member of the [b]Imperial Tsardom[/b] [*][b]Colonies[/b][list][*][i]None[/i] [/list][*][b]Protectorates[/b][list][*][i]None[/i][/list][hr][list][/list][/list]