[@Andreyich] Plot... Like I said, this takes place between Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. So you have what goes on there going on. Plus the plot isn't really. "Oh let's go down this railroad track." It draws from what you want to do in the world. Do you want to go see Moria and reclaim it or some treasure from within? Or are you a human traveling to Minas Tirith to join the battle against the re-awakening of Mordor? Are you a Elf finishing up loose ends of your business in Arda before heading to Valinor? Are you a traveling musician, or a thief on the run? So it has that going on. Plus what I as the Dm throw at you. Will you be attacked by a group of Orcs? Will you take refuge in a cave to find it inhabited by goblins? Then you have events that would be spawned by the world itself. The War of the Ring and the event between that and the Hobbit. Frodo getting the ring, Gandalf's traveling. The Elves leaving Middle Earth.