Hawke nodded in acknowledgement of Sena. [color=39b54a]"We'll likely make a few stops at Omega across the course of this mission. In fact, probably a good idea to top off the supplies once we pick up the rest of the crew and they have time to take inventory. I'll bring it up to Commander Fisher, maybe he can convince Karvik to head that way before we hit that first lead. In fact, we should be hitting the Shadow Sea any minute now. I'll head up to the cockpit"[/color] As Dan walked up through the ship he felt a slight lurch as the ship came out of FTL travel. Peering out of a port, he saw the distant shape of ARC's flagship [i]Rocinante[/i], they'd be initiating ship-to-ship docking any minute now. [color=39b54a]"Commander... sir"[/color] the Sergeant Major nodded towards his superiors as he entered the cockpit [color=39b54a]"The crew was wondering if we'd be stopping off at Omega before the mission began. Supply run"[/color] Fisher leaned to his right and swiped his hand over a holographic readout [color=9e0b0f]"Omega's a quicker jump to make than the Ismar Frontier, couldn't hurt to stock up first"[/color] Karvik sat in silence, his jaw mandibles waving slightly as he contemplated. [color=0072bc]"Fine. Have the crew provide a list of everything they need. This needs to be quick"[/color] Over the next 20 minutes the ship docked with the [i]Rocinante[/i] and the process began of carrying over Warrick and the rest of the ancillary crew. Their numbers suddenly increased from the fireteam and the 5 pseudo-engineers to over 35, including a dedicated pilot, cook, medic, and armorer, just to name a few. Fisher came back onboard after debriefing the new leader and remaining members of ARC, and soon they were on their way. Hawke, seated to the left of the pilot, stared out at the old frigate as he heard the groans of the space bridge uncoupling from the [i]Omaha's[/i] docking port. The two ships broke off and he watched as the [i]Rocinante[/i] faded into the distance, right up until the moment they hit the mass relay for the jump to Omega. He wondered if he'd ever see the old girl again, and from that thought he allowed his mind to wander, dreaming of an all-too-distant past. Some time later, he was woken by the sound of Tarrin's voice echoing throughout the ship. [color=0072bc]"Attention crew, this is Karvik. We'll be docking at Omega shortly. If you need to acquire anything from the station, head towards the docking port now or locate a member of the crew who can acquire it for you. As will be the norm, any requisitions from a member of ARC, send word to Sgt. Major Hawke. This is a short trip. In fact, from the moment we dock, you have one hour. Anyone not on board when that time is up gets left behind. Karvik out"[/color]