As he nibbled on an apple, Gredy felt a shiver course through his new found wings as he resisted the urge to spread them out more then they needed to. All things considered today wasn't a bad day; His eyes were a maroon color, his arms and shoulders were covered in sooty brown feathers and his face was a shade of blue... The fact that his hands were talon like did make holding the apple a lot easier and the wings coming out of his back was a welcome edition for the day; He couldn't wait for the bus ride to be over and for him to get some free time so he could spread his wings and give them a try while he had them. He had actually had to look up what he was on google and was somewhat surprised to discover that he seemed to have taking on the aspects of a Hoatzin today; Gredy hadn't know what a Hoatzin was before, but if there was one thing about the random nature of his powers it was that it served to give him some experience when it came to animals. Glancing around the bus, he had taken a seat to himself (due to the wings on his back he needed a bit of extra room) and he couldn't help but wonder what the people around him could do that enabled them to be on the bus, heading towards this summer camp.