Freddy was in truth sleeping most of the time. He did not know how he got here, probably kidnapped while trying to play poker with the sharks or something along those lines. He dreamed a good dream, of Brotherhood Paladins burning down a village of ghouls and supermutants, with a synth smashed here or there. The flames of their incinerators made him feel warm, until some sort of rally, some sort of counterattack with shouting began. "Oh." He thought, "A poor conclusion to a dream if there ever was one." as some man began addressing him. He only now realized he was imprisoned, and had a bag taken off. It was going to be one of [i]those[/i] days. What was this though, some rebellious shouting. The voice was definitely recognizable. Perhaps one of the working girls he wasn't too shy to ask the services of? No, they would not be imprisoned like this. Perhaps the owner of some place he stayed at? Equally silly. Then it dawned on him, and he grinned. Coincidences such as these always put a smile on his face, he wondered if Dusty knew he was here. Yawning a little he turned his head a little to look at the assembled company, and noticed a ghoul; two of them. His face twisted a little at the sight of the revolting things. After sighing, he took a breath to speak and sat up. He picked his words carefully, trying not to reveal anything he thought - a simple task with what little he said - in case they would make his life a whole lot worse. "Well sir, I don't mind." he replied. He wondered if he should try to help out his friend somehow, make sure that her disobedience doesn't leave her as radroach chow. For now he just gave Dusty a light tap with his foot, smiling with a wink should she look at him.