[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjU4N2I0Ny5TVzVrYVdGdVlTQlNlV1JsY2csLC4wAAAAAAAA/pwsharpbrush.medium.png[/img][hr][hr][img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/bf6bcbc6153582ac7b129c46d266a941//Itvnciwhe/tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.jpg[/img][hr][hr]Interacting with: [s]one true love[/s] [color=gold]Caleb McKinnon[/color] [[@smarty0114]][hr][hr][/center] Indiana was just about ready to punch in the face whoever was talking to her right now. She had made it ridiculously clear that she didn't want to be disturbed, so why was some random guy whispering in her ear? Yeah, the big ass bandage on her head wasn't exactly easily missed, but that didn't make it any more of their business. Clicking her tongue, she turned - only to meet the concerned gaze of Caleb. Fuck. She had purposefully been avoiding him today for this exact reason - the last thing she wanted was for him to be worried about her. Her icy gaze held his for a second and, as if something clicked in her mind, her lips pulled up in a smile and she pulled herself up a little straighter. With one hand holding the off button on her phone to shut it down and cease its constant buzzing, she shifted in her seat slightly so that she was facing him. [color=6B8E23]"I'm just peachy keen, jelly bean."[/color] Her nose scrunched up as she said it, making it clear that she was not 100% serious. Indie's gaze left his for a second to properly take in the rest of the room; finding amusement at Jacob's face as he realised who was in his group, her eyes purposefully sliding past Oberon, to rest on Clyde who was stammering as per usual. If it were perhaps another day, she would have tried to re-introduce herself to him as she felt a particular liking towards him, but for now she left her conversation to Caleb and Caleb alone. [color=6B8E23]"How are we doing this science fair thing then?"[/color] She left her hand fall flat on the table, displaying her intent.[color=6B8E23] "I want ours to be the most magnificent, catastrophic volcano that the world has ever seen." [/color]She shot her best friend a mischevious smirk, as he knew that anything she had to do with would most likely end in disaster. Part of Indiana was grateful for this project, as it would be a good excuse to keep her mind off last night. Maybe she could tell Caleb? No. That's not fair on him. She took a moment to look, properly look, at the boy. She knew Caleb better than she knew herself, she reckoned. She had always preferred his shaggy hair and reserved good looks to his brother's flashy appearance, and his intense blue gaze was always there to comfort her. A week ago, she was have been scolding herself for even daring to think such things; but right now, she didn't give a shit.