[color=D6CC88]In the cell, Amuné's eyes went round as the roar reached her ears. "Wyth," she breathed, her fear fading for a moment. She'd not heard him use it often, but she knew the cat when she heard him. They'd come to rescue her, of course they had. But did that mean the bad things she'd seen were going to happen? Torn between relief and agonized dread, her tears made the world around her swim, and she could barely answer when the older Ydran man asked who Wyth was. And then the muffled voices of Cecil and Ethan reached her ears as she strained to hear if any of the others were there too. Or...she thought it was them. Was it just wishful thinking? No, Wyth would make sure they came too, he was a smart boy, and he'd have brought help. The guards still in the room were all distracted, and there were metal bars in between her and them. She called for Wyth as loud as she could, though the girl fell silent with her mouth going dry when one of the slavers turned to glare at her, and threw a small stone their way. It rang off the bars, but Amuné got the message. --- Wyth looked around the room after taking out the man that would have backstabbed the funny boy, but the only other was the one his girl's two friends were struggling with, and that one was quickly subdued. Then the boy smashed the door down. The cat's ears turned that way, and he tried to locate sound or smell of his girl. And he heard her, yelling his name, closer now but still not close enough. The gaping hole was the right general direction, and no one beyond was expecting the door to be removed in so forceful a fashion. It would do. He bounded through the hole where the door had been, Cecil's gauntlet soaring past him as the cat swatted down another slaver. They were everywhere, swarming like a nest of rodents, some panicked, some fighting. He charged a second, missing the kill and instead taking a chunk out of the man's arm, but the guy had no interest in fighting further, instead fleeing to somewhere less dangerous. Wyth growled over his shoulder at the strange boy, and the man his girl liked farther beyond. This was the way to go. They would find his girl, and they would rescue her.[/color]