Alun and his company of guards had been riding non stop for over two weeks. Like it's neighboring kingdoms Nash was a rich, fertile land. Farmland covered the landscape and peasants were out in their fields harvesting the crops. Alun had finally arrived at the walled town of Auchendale. Auchendale was the kingdom's capital and it was clear that house Wulfrick had invested a huge amount of funding into it's construction and maintenance. The town's buildings were made of a mixture of red brick and grey tiles. The streets were beautifully paved with rectangular tiles and a majestic fountain stood at the center of the towns Plaza. Wulfrick Manor stood atop a hill overseeing the town of Auchendale bellow. Though not as big as some of the other manor houses that Alun had seen while travelling across Nash, it's grandeur more than made up for it. As Alun made his way up the paved path to the manor house he noticed that three servants were already waiting for him by entrance. "Lord DeGrande, we have been awaiting your arrival" The man who spoke was a tall, thin, bald man in his late fifties. His clothes were far more splendid then the other servants and judging from his posture and well spoken manner he was likely the family butler. As Alun and his four men dismounted from their horses the other two servants quickly took the reigns and tied the horses to a long wooden post in the courtyard. Strangely enough there were already around ten or so horses tied to the same post. An unusual number of horses for just one family. Alun's trail of thought was interrupted by the butler "My name is Giovanni should you wish to know. Would you like me to show you through to the entrance"? "Of course Giovanni, please lead on" As Alun made his way his four guards followed in suit. Giovanni stopped suddenly before turning to face Alun "I am afraid Lord Rubidus has asked that only two of your men accompany you, the rest will have to wait out here" Alun nodded in agreement. Like any lord, Rubidus wouldn't want too many foreign soldiers in his home at once. Alun gestured to two of his men to follow while the other two remained in the courtyard. *** Alun had been left waiting in the hallway for what felt like nearly an hour. After they had entered the manor Giovanni had gone to find Rubidus to let him know of Alun's arrival. Alun had negotiated on Andrews behalf on numerous occasions, this wasn't the first time he had been kept waiting by nobles, however this was the longest he had ever waited for his host. It was clear that Rubidus had clearly been delayed by something and wasn't just being 'Fashionably Late' like other nobles he had met in the past. After waiting a little while longer Rubidus finally arrived. Rubidus was an elderly man with silky, long, white hair. It was clear the years had not been kind to him as his once beautiful, golden skin was now covered with lines, and heavy, like old, cheap leather. Sunken brown eyes and a thin, bony nose were the features that stood out most on his, rather plain face. Behind him stood all three of his children: Aureus, a man in his late forties with curly black hair, golden skin and a extremely well kept beard and mustache. Smaragdus, A clean shaven man in his mid-forties with bronze skin and carefully styled hair. And Sappir a woman in her early fifties with silky black hair styled into elaborate braided updo’ and flawless, brown skin, with eyes so dark they were almost black. Smaragdus was the first to greet Alun "Lord Alun, it is a great pleasure to have you here. I must say I was surprised to hear that Lord Andrew sent his most decorated officer and valued advisor" As Smaragdus spoke he took Alun's hand and shook it firmly. It appeared that he was a more than friendly individual, though this could simply be him trying to keep up appearances. Afterall even the most coldhearted nobles knew the value of decorum. "I believe the correct title is King Andrew brother" Aureus said, he seemed far more confident and louder than his brother, though equally as friendly. "I apologies for keeping you waiting for so long, we were talking to another guest who arrived this morning. I am sure you understand" "Of course" Alun said as he shook Aureus's hand. He noticed that neither Rubidus or Sappir had made any attempt to greet him. Unlike Aureus and Smaragdus their persona was far colder and hostile "If you don't mind me asking, who is the guest that arrived this morning" "You will find out yourself in a minute" Rubidus replied callously "We know why you are here Lord Alun, so lets not waste time with further pleasantries" Rubidus was not the type of person who liked having his time wasted and in his old age he had grown blunt. While his sons winced at their fathers rudeness, his daughter meerly smilled. "Father, you forget yourself, Lord Alun is..."Started Smaragdus before he was suddenly cut off "I did not ask for a lesson in decorum from you son" Snapped Rubidus causing Smaragdus to fall silent. "If you wish to proceed with the negotiations then follow me" he said as he hobbled his way back down the hallway. His children followed behind him, daring not to walk in front of him despite their father's slow pace. *** The main hall was a long room located at the back of the manor. The floor was made of a mixture of white and black marble and three large windows were at the back of the hall allowing the sunlight from outside to flood in. The room's walls were covered in portraits of the various ancestors of house Wulfrick and a large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. On the opposite side of the room was long wooden table atop a dais and in front of it were two smaller tables, each only big enough for one person. Sitting at one of them was a woman who Alun didn't recognize, however judging from the two De Reimer guards standing either side of her it was clear she was part of the Imperial Concord. As surprised as Alun was, he did his best to keep his composure, he couldn't afford to show weakness. "I was unaware that the concord had sent a diplomat was well" Alun remarked calmly. Despite his outwards composure, internal he was panicking. The fact that the concord was here was not good. The Manshrew Alliance needed house Wulfrick, and if they chose to side with the enemy instead, it could mean a guaranteed defeat for the Alliance. "Not just any diplomat" Announced Aureus "May I introduce Cerlina Tuania; the recently appointed head advisor for King Duncan De Reimer". Cerlina took one look at Alun before dismissively looking away. The situation was even worst than Alun had assumed. If Duncan was willing to send someone as important as her then it was clear he was just as desperate as Andrew to get House Wulfrick on his side. Meaning that whatever Alun offered, Cerlina could offer more. Rubidus had taken a seat at the center of the long table while his children took their places either side of him. As Alun took his seat Rubidus started to speak "So, Lord Alun, do you wish to make your proposal first"? "Certainly my lord, As you are aware King Andrew is looking for loyal allies to help cement his rightful place for the throne. In exchange for your houses loyalty we will give you half of the Kingdom of Orog as soon as our alliance is settled. Once the war has been won the entire Kingdom will be given to you. I ask that you consider an alliance with King Andrew over the snake Duncan. I have served under him for many years and he is an honorable man who you can trust..." Alun was interrupted abruptly by Rubidus. "I have no interest in hearing sentiment about your lord. I am interested in what your Kingdom has to offer house Wulfrick. If I am going to send my men to fight and die for you then I need to know that this arrangement will benefit Nash. You offer me Orog in exchange for an alliance. Is there anything else"? Alun was silent for a moment as he tried to desperately think of something else he could offer. The truth was that Andrew hadn't given Alun much else to Bargain with. Clearly he hadn't predicted the Concord trying to buy favor with Wulfrick. "No my Lord, but I will remind you that Orog neighbours your kingdom and is a very rich and fertile land, House Wulfrick would benefit greatly from it's acquisition" Alun replied. Once Alun had finished Rubidus turned his attention to Cerlina "Does the concord have more to offer" "Indeed it does my lord" Said Cerlina smugly, as she prepared to make her proposal "King Duncan is willing to offer you the Kingdom of Coruneon and Rathikun once the war has ended. The Kingdom is bigger than Orog and will give you access to resources you cannot obtain here in Nash. Furthermore to cement the alliance between House De Reimer and Wulfrick Duncan is offering a marriage between one of your grandsons and the Kings sister Isabel. Though your grandson will adopt the De Reimer name, this marriage will give house Wulfrick a higher standing in the politics of Formaroth, what with house Wulfrick now being tied to the royal family". With this Cerlina sat back in her chair with a satisfied look on her face. Rubidus had not changed his facial expression. "Very well, unless you have anything else to say I will discuss this with my children in private" he said as he slowly struggled to stand up. Smaragdus tried to help his father up before being shrugged off by Rubidus. "You are deciding this today?" Exclaimed Cerlina; most nobles took a week at least to decided whether they would agree to alliance "No time like the present" Replied Rubidus gruffly as he hobbled out of the room with his children following behind. *** The Sun was starting to set and the last rays of the days sunlight were creeping into the room. The soldiers who had accompanied Alun were quietly talking to each other while the De Reimer soldiers stood in stony silence. Rubidus had been gone for a long time and his absence was making Alun nervous. He knew that House De Reimer had made the better offer, the chances of Rubidus choosing the Alliance over the Concord was slim. "You seem a bit on edge my lord" Said Cerlina. Alun was somewhat surprised; since Rubidus had left she had remained silent and this was the first time she had spoken to anyone "I trust you are aware that Wulfrick will likely choose the Concord". Alun hesitated before replying. Though she was right he wouldn't give her satisfaction by agreeing with her. "It is true that you made the better deal, however I trust that house Wulfrick's honor will prevail and side with the man who they can trust, not a snake who will stab them in the back" "It is strange that you think of Andrew as a honorable man" Cerlina replied "Does a honorable man betray the throne to which he has sworn to protect, twice. Would a honorable man invade my kingdom and kill our subjects"? Alun grew silent for a moment "The war is forcing Andrew to take actions that he is not proud of" Alun sighed "However he has no choice" "Of course he has a choice" snapped Cerlina "He could have chosen to side with the crown and prevented this war from ever starting. He had no claim to the throne yet he declared himself for it anyway, inciting the other Kingdoms to break away from the crown as well. Andrew's rebellion has caused Formaroth to divide and has already killed tens of thousands of people. An Honorable man does not start a war he could have easily avoided" Alun was about to protest but the opening of the halls doors caught his attention instead. Both Aureus and Smaragdus had finally returned, though neither Rubidus nor Sappir was with them. "Where is Lord Rubidus" demanded Alun "My apologies my lord, we did try and convince father to speak with you in person. However he felt there was nothing more to discuss" replied Smaragdus apologetically "I am afraid we have chosen to side with the Concord. We do appreciate you coming all this way my lord and we have been most honored by your visit. I am sorry that it had to work out this way. But I am afraid we simply feel that the Concord offers the best future for our family". It was as Alun expected. Rubidus had chosen the Concord instead. This was crushing news, the Manshrew Alliance desperately needed allies and instead they now had another enemy. "I...I understand. Please thank your father for his time" Said Alun confidently. Though he was deeply saddened, he would remain strong in the face of his enemies. "I hope we meet again in future on better terms" he said before turning to face Cerlina "The same for you Lady Cerlina" though she tried to hide it, Celina face was smug and satisfied. She opened her mouth to speak but Alun continued speaking before she had a chance "I am afraid must leave immediately, King Andrew will want to hear about the outcome of the negotiations and I do not wish to keep him waiting" Alun said as he signaled to his men "Of course my lord" Said Aureus "On my honor I promise that neither you nor any of your men will come under any harm while leaving Nash. I hope we do not cross blades on the battlefield" To that Alun nodded before he made his way out of the room. Once Alun felt no else could hear him he started to speak to his guard "We need to get to Orog as quickly as possible and send a raven to let Andrew know what happened" "What will you tell him my lord" "I will tell him that I failed" replied Alun bitterly By [@TheDuncanMorgan] @ [@AndrewCooper]