[Center][color=f26522]Gredy Silvertongue[/color][/Center] While Gredy continued to smile at the trainer, wheels were turning in his mind as he considered the information that he was given. He doubted the information about the ice cream (it was a treat after all, not a healthy meal) and the unlikely story about the Zubat... Through he couldn't discount the possibility that the latter was a lie. Some Pokemon were known to steal from trainers after all... There was a sure fire way to tell if this was a con or not through. With a slightly worried expression on his face, Gredy looked the part of the sympathic bystander. "[color=f26522]That sounds horrible. I'm sorry for your loss. If you want I can show you were the police station is. I can't promise that they will get your stuff back but if some of the local zubats are outright robbing trainers they need to be informed.[/color]" Before he could see how his 'overly helpful bystander' plan played out, the Phamtump from before returned... With one of his poke balls in hand and confused by what it was. That didn't make sense if she belonged to a trainer... Trying to keep his cool so that he didn't frighten the ghost Pokemon off, Gredy answered her kindly "[color=f26522]That's a pokeball. It is what trainers use to carry around their Pokemon when they are tired, injuries or traveling quickly. That one is currently empty because I haven't found a Pokemon that wants to partner up with me yet.[/color]" [@TalijaKey][@Raijinslayer][@Ashevelendar]