Hello! I'm Ryder! I attempted to edit an old interest check I had but every time I did it crashed my web browser so here I am! PM or mention me so I'll know to look for your response. I found these writing prompts online and thought they might make the basis for an interesting RP. Let me know if you're interested and we'll plot/world build together. [b]1[/b] You're a police officer on your city's police force. Someone has left a dead body on the precinct steps. It looks just like you. [b]3[/b] He didn't even know her name, yet he felt sorry for her - for the pain she was going to live through. [b]4[/b] One day you wake up and have the ability to accurately tell if someone is lying. Your new ability tells you that your best friend is lying about everything. Including their name. [b]5[/b] You are a teenager with the ability to measure how "dangerous" people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them. A normal child would be a 1, while a trained man with an assault rifle might be a 7. Today, you notice the new kid at school measures a 10. [b]6[/b] It's unsettling to see a stranger staring at you from afar in public. What is more unsettling is seeing the same person staring at you from your front porch when you arrive home. [b]7[/b] You stumble across an article online with the details of a brutal murder. There are pictures of the victim. It's you. [b]8[/b] Terror. Disgust. I don't really know. It's a toss up when you wake up covered in blood. [b]9[/b] At a park bench, an unfamiliar man sits beside you and glances at your newspaper. Unnerved by his presence, you hand it to him with a nod. He takes it, nods back, places his briefcase by your feet and walks away. [b]10[/b] She felt the weight of the world on her shoulder. And she felt the weight of her sister in her arms. [b]11[/b] I didn't know what to do. I just knew it needed to stop. Grave after grave. I got tired of burying my friends. [b]12[/b] It was less than a second. Maybe 1/2 of a second. But it changed everything.