Reserved for my glorious Italian state! In the meantime, enjoy this lovely piece of [url=]music[/url] [hider=The Kingdom of Plebina (WIP)][b]Nation Name[/b]: [center][img][/img][/center] The Kingdom of Plebina [b]Head of State, Age[/b]: King Alfonso Sebastian of Lovoure, 54 [b]Capital[/b]: Tarantina [b]City Names[/b]: [list][*]Tarantina [*]Collogium [*]Marsie [*]Levonianum [*]Jarravo [*]Lilla [*]Bertina [*]Asslo [*]Ivine [*]Alessandria [/list] [b]Province Names[/b]: [list][*]Scarbabeli [*]Unisona [*]Carra [*]Lebonum [*]Fussolia [/list] [b]Emphasis[/b]: (Please select two. Order is not important) -- [u]Stability.[/u] -- Size. -- Population. -- Colonies. -- Military. -- Navy. -- Economy. -- [u]Education.[/u] -- Protectorates. [b]Brief History:[/b] In the Ancient times, the known world was ruled by the glorious empire that all centred around what is today known as Plebina. For centuries their culture, economy, religion and way of life dominated the continent in a way not seen since their empire collapsed over a thousand years ago. The lands were after that split up into their own realms, and likewise happened to Plebina. It was only under the Great Tyrant that the lands of the people of Lavarotti-culture were united by force, but the Great War put an end to it. According to the Congress of Nations, the Kingdom of Plebina was established as a buffer-state, strong enough to (somewhat) resist another Grand Invasion, yet weak enough to not expand themselves. And thus the king, King Alfonso Sebastian has focused on domestic matters, bringing stability to the kingdom through stable institutions such, and the encouragement of clergic teachers for the peasents. He will reign for a while longer, but his heir and the kingdom as a whole is feeling a sense of change. While content with their own affairs, the people at home and abroad are growing a sense of kinship to one another. For now it is tiny and under control, but who knows when such forces known as "nationalism" will grow ever stronger? [/hider]