[hider=Yrios] [b]Name:[/b] Grandmaster Yrios [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Known Racial Abilities:[/b] N/A [b]Age: [/b]48 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img] http://randomwallpapers.net/diablo-3-wizard-1920x1080-wallpaper249702.jpg [/img] [b]Renowned Skills:[/b] [i]Master of magic[/i] – It cannot be claimed that Yrios is by far one of the most gifted mages of the country, maybe even the world! His knowledge of the arcane is vast. His spells are refined and devastating. In many years of fighting traditional magic, Yrios has mastered the many arts and elements. [i]Way of the Warrior Mage[/i] – Founder of an entirely new way of fighting. A hybrid between common melee fighting and magical attacks. This brand new way of thinking lead to the revolution within the world of mages of Tal’Zaroth. He made the path, traveled it in dark to illuminate it for everyone following him. To this day he keeps on learning. Sometimes from his own pupils. But it uncontested that he is the true master of all 3 ways. This makes him a devastating warrior too. [b]Magic:[/b] Mana magic & Soul magic, quite capable in both but better with mana than souls. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]First Orb [/i]– The Orb was probably the most revolutionizing invention that utterly broke with any dogma of mages. The small sphere is carefully forged and enchanted. The First Orb exists out of multiple pieces with a magical core keeping it all together. The earliest design of the Orb reveals that it was already intended as battery and channeling object. The First Orb has absorbed the magical essence used by its master for years now. Some apprentices claim it has a will of its own. [i]Yehzallith [/i]– The clawed gauntlet on his right arm. It is said that Yehzallith was forged in the burning fires of a tortured demon. That’s why fire can be cast stronger while wielding it. Fire itself is not stronger when wielding the gauntlet. Instead, it was made in the pursuit of soul magic. It makes ripping away souls from things so much easier. The inlaid gems keep these violently ripped apart souls and their energy contained. [i]Yrios’ Grimoire[/i] – The book containing all his spells. Yrios’ grimoire in itself does not grant a passive advantage. Instead, he can take it up to cast violently dangerous spells that mortal minds have trouble with remembering. The book enhances these spells. [b]Armour:[/b] [i]Armor of the First Hand[/i] – Far, far away there is an eastern country where all magic is forbidden except for enchantments. In search for the best enchanters of the world the First Hand, the king of that country’s right hand, set out to search the best enchanters. He stumbled upon Yrios’ guild and asked him to enchant his armor in the best ways known to the world. Yrios accepted the payment and set to work. This happened during the Purge and Yrios gathered the souls of his mage enemies and sealed them within Soul Gems. Eventually, over 8 masters of the arcane were sealed within the armor when it returned to the First Hand. His court enchanter felt how the armor was enchanted and told his master. The First Hand quarreled with Yrios and demanded that his armor’s honor was to be restored. Eventually, the two came to a settlement: Yrios would pay twice the sum the First Hand paid and would allow the First Hand to return with new armor to be enchanted. Thus it happened. The First Hand never trusted Yrios again. But he holds the best defense against Yrios’ spell. The second piece of armor now rests within the vaults of a faraway land. The first piece is worn by Yrios. [b]Steed:[/b] A simple brown horse by the name of Allistar [b]Bio:[/b] Yrios came from a faraway land himself. He encountered Tal’Zaroth upon his travels, after he gathered lots of knowledge and had developed his own style of magic. After defeating the established mages (and killing most of them) he now practically rules over the city. Still in search for more power. (for more details, read regiment bio) [/hider] [hider=Alycia Ultray] [b]Name:[/b] Master Alycia “the Raven” UItray [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Known Racial Abilities:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/fe/55/d6/fe55d63df19abcf5fe47d004b1e0aad9.jpg[/img][/center] With raven, black hair and a fair face, few would expect a human as Alycia to ever pick up the role of Witchblade. But she did. The fair woman stands a notable 5’11” with normal brown eyes. She’s often dressed in metal or chainmail. A testament to her skill as she can actually carry it into combat without tiring too quickly. Without her heavy metal armor and robes, one wouldn’t expect her to be so strong. [b]Famed Skills:[/b] [i]Blade dancer of Tal’Zaroth[/i] – Within the guild, breaking from all expectations and doing the impossible is not just allowed, it is encouraged. The Guild would not have risen so high as it has if some did not dare challenge the established order of things. One unwritten rule was that the blade and magic can never be wielded by the same hands. Alycia not just fought this rule, she utterly broke it. Grown as a dancer she learned how to be nimble and agile. Once she joined the Guild she joined the Witchblades. Where she combined agility, magic and the sword into a deadly dance. [i]Gypsy knowledge[/i] – The Gypsies travel the world from country to country. Squatting down in the outskirts of cities time and time again. Trying to sell their wares for far too much. They may not be schooled or learned like those in their mansions, but they talk an awful lot. Gypsies always know a bit of this or a bit of that from many countries. Knowledge that only grows with each generation. The Raven is granted this knowledge too. [b]Magic: [/b] [i]Gypsy Soul Magic[/i] – For long have the Gypsies dabbled in dangerous magics. But one that grouped them the most was Soul Magic. They called it many names, but in the end, it was just that. The Raven is particularly gifted in these arts. Though her ancestors used it for subtle things, the Raven has developed her natural talent into a terrifying skill. In battle she rips the very soul and essence from her enemies, only to cast the raw, unnerving energy right back at them. Many say she does this with such skill that they’d believe she is possessed by a demon or angry spirit. A final gift from her ancestors. [b]Weapons:[/b] [i]Cursed Blade of Yuindrin[/i] – Yuindrin was once a mighty warrior in service of Tal’Zaroth. When he fell, he was buried with full honor and his equipment. This was proven to be a stupid choice when a necromancer broke into the mausoleum and started raising the fully clad knights. Knightly Orders struggled to fight against the fellow but undead knights. Imbued with necromantic energies the undead vastly outperformed their living brothers. Thus the Guild was called in. Raven lead the attack, her soul magic tore on the necromantic energies inside the armor while she fought and slashed to weaken the binding. Eventually, the crisis was undone. But Raven demanded the sword of Yuindrin as part of her payment. The city conceded. Even to this day, it is whispered that the blade is a dangerous relic, filled with foul magic that should not be wielded. [b]Armour:[/b] [i]Darkcloak [/i]– A common witchblade cloak. In the common, dark colors of the Witchblades. It does not offer an immediate magical defense. But it’s a survivalist tool. Keeping the witchblades warm and sheltered from even the worst of storms. [i]Witchhunter's Bane[/i] – The armor of a fabled crusader marching against countless witches and wizards. The man once made the mistake of going up against a band of gypsies in a nearby town. Accusing their elders of foul and dark magic (he wasn’t really wrong but he didn’t have any proof). After hanging 3 elders, Alycia was finally allowed to fight him. In a humiliating duel, the Gypsy warrior won and the knight was forced to pull away. But not before he dropped his armor say it has been “bewitched”. As trophy she now wears it. If it is bewitched or not, many leave in the middle. [b]Steed:[/b] A black destrier named Yaga. [b]Bio:[/b] Raven was born amongst the Gypsies. An elusive folk that travels from city to city. Staying where they are even a tad bit welcome. They dabble and trade for days. Until one morning they seemingly vanish. Few people ever saw the Gypsies moving. It’s as if they teleport from location to location (not true, they do actually travel). Raven had a strong gift for the Gypsy’s magic. Amongst the outskirts they squatted down, there were plenty of small life with souls ready to be manipulated. From a young age, the girl played with the souls of rodents and other creatures. She found it more enjoyable than to play with other children. The Gypsies were a common target for Witch Hunters. They were sedentary and often near towns, thus easy to be found. While Gypsies had a gift to sense approaching, real danger. This one Witch Hunter came far too fast for them to just vanish. He caught the group, and imprisoned them. In their own ground. Building a palisade around the Gypsy camp. Every dawn he took one of the elders for “interrogation”. Said elder often returned covered in bruises and in pain. Some returned with their noose still attached to their neck. The lament of the Gypsies grew louder and louder. Until the Witch Hunter made the foolish mistake and tried to take Alycia. Who cut him with a normal kitchen knight right under the eye. She demanded he’d fight her. He initially refused, saying he would never fight a girl. But enough taunts from the camp (and his own soldiers) forced him to fight Alycia. With constant, swift attacks upon his sou, as well as the heavy armor he had to carry made him tired very quickly. While Alycia was practically dancing around the hulking suit with two knives. Singing and laughing as with every touch she drained him a little more or every scratch let out a bit more blood. Eventually, the witch-hunter collapsed and had to concede defeat. In an angry rant, he left his armor. It was pure coincidence that this battle was fought near Tal’Zaroth. But Yrios had seen the skill of the little girl. He recruited her and brought her under his mentorship. She grew up into a very powerful Witchblade. Striking down the foulest of dark sorcerers, but demanding justice from every overzealous crusader and witch-hunter that dared enter the lands of Tal’Zaroth. Equal measure darkness as so-called light has found its doom upon her blade. The most notable must have been her Mastership challenge. Where she lead a contingent of Witchblades into the Mausoleum and finished off the Lich that raised the heroes of her own city. After her return, she was proclaimed Witchblade Master. By her former mentor. [/hider] [hider=Mage Guild of Tal'Zaroth] [b]Regiment Name:[/b] Mage Guild of Tal’Zaroth [b]Banner:[/b] A golden orb pierced by a silver sword with a closed eye in its hilt. The orb and sword both are flanked by green laurels. All this rests upon a field of black. [b]Nationality/Race:[/b] Independent/Various [b]Racial Specifics:[/b] None [b]Size of Host:[/b] 50 Witchblades 50 Sorcerers 50 Warlocks 60 Apprentices (20 per group) [b]Specialty:[/b] Short-range to close quarter magical combat [b]Typical Arms:[/b] Witchblades – Swords, maces, Glaives with the occasional potion Sorcerers – Orbs, Crystal shards, Staves Warlocks – Staves, wands, scepters, daggers [b]Typical Armour:[/b] [i]Witchblades [/i]– Witchblades commonly wear leather and chainmail to remain mobile yet still protected. They never wear a shield, though. Due to their heavy equipment (which is often enchanted) as well as the potions and poisons they carry, a Witchblade often wears a circlet of silver with a sapphire inlaid which aids in their focus to cast spells. However, this does leave them uniquely vulnerable to arrows and ranged weapons. [i]Sorcerers [/i]– Sorcerers stick with light and flexible, padded leather cuirass over ordinary clothes. While most Sorcerers do not expect to get hit by anything, it’s always nice to have a back-up. [i]Warlocks [/i]– Warlocks forsake any form of defense for comfort and maximum ability to cast their spells. They wear long robes made of cloth, commonly enchanted to aid in their spellcasting. [b]Typical Steeds:[/b] Horses [b]Magics Used:[/b] Nearly all magic is allowed to be used within the Guild. However, through many years of refining, it was decided that Mana-based magic is the best to be used. Not only because of the ease it offers but also the power. It is a perfect balance. [i]Elemental magic[/i] – Fire, air, water, and earth. Many Witchblades (and some Sorcerers) use mana to drive the elements to their will. Often to devastating effect. Elemental magic is also the easiest to use but sadly does not scale to higher tier spells so well. Witchblades & Sorcerers like Elemental Magic for the ease of use in the midst of combat. [i]Imbue [/i]– Imbue calls upon magical forces (elements, mana,…) to temporary power up equipment and weapons. For example, a Witchblade will often imbue his weapon with fire, thus make it burn or superheat the metal. Commonly used by Witchblades and some Sorcerers [i]Mana magic[/i] – While changing mana or forcing it to drive elements is certainly easy, utilizing pure mana is far more powerful. Mana magic unleashes hellishly powerful spells that do not require any chants (just like elemental magic the Guild uses) BUT does require the caster to channel as much mana into the spell as possible. Pure mana magic thus depends greatly on the casters’ mana channeling. Mostly used by sorcerers and warlocks. [i]Soul magic[/i] – Soul magic is by far the most dangerous one and is only allowed to be used by Warlocks capable enough. Soul magic drains from the power of the soul. Mostly something or someone else’s soul. These spells are very powerful but very dangerous. As there is a constant threat that one would accidentally miscalculate their victim’s soul and thus start using their own. By many it is seen as Dark Magic and this is not untrue. Many old Warlocks often claim that soul magic brings one close to the Shadow Realm. [i]Alchemy[/i] - Some within, as well as outside, the guild often claim that potion making and alchemy is not really magic but rather a science. Those versed in the art tend to disagree. As the many ingredients required often come from mythical and magical monsters. Alchemy is an art practiced by nearly everyone in the guild. As it gives temporary boosts in accessable mana (not that advanced mages need this, with their enchanted equipement they often draw more than enough mana towards themselves) or increase the power of their spells. [b]History:[/b] How does a guild as might as that of Tal’Zaroth start? What and who allowed them to gather such power? These questions have long since plagued the long line of counts overseeing Tal’Zaroth as they have to watch how the Guild is more revered than they are. It, in fact, all started with a lone traveler. A mage by the name of Yrios. He was young and studied magic from books. In that time such a thing was rare, as many with the magical gifts enrolled at schools. However, Yrios had gathered bits and pieces of many kinds of magic and made them his own. He developed a unique way of fighting. While still in its infancy, he was very capable in this self-made style. He started carrying out tasks for the people of Tal’Zaroth. Initially stupid things like killing rats or help herding cows. But as his recognition rose, so did the difficulty of his tasks. Soon he faced off against bandits and monsters in the field. Slaying them all. For Yrios was not a mere mage cowering behind robes and a wall of warriors to cast spells from afar. He dressed in leather, wielding a sword in his right and used his left palm to swiftly cast a flurry of minor spells, distracting his enemies and weakening them. His reputation only grew until one of the school’s masters had enough of this “youngling’s ineptitude” and vowed to teach him a lesson. The vain master challenged Yrios to a duel. To be held at his own school to teach his own pupils, who have been admiring Yrios’ style of combat more and more, that he was just a warrior with a minor gift for magic. The duel lasted less than a minute. Yrios had taken a potion to enhance his speed and used his left hand to ward off the only spell the master could cast. With a blade at the master’s neck he was forced to forfeit. Thus began the years of challenge. Many more masters wanted to duel with Yrios. After a while they began to pay him for it, as they thought that winning from him would bestow great respect upon themselves. None managed it. Yrios grew with every duel. He learned how mages classically fought and used that knowledge against them. Most remained stationary and cast their barriers and offensive spells. Expecting the same. But none expect Yrios to move so fast or hit that hard. The interwoven spells in his combat were getting more pivotal in his takedowns. Eventually, all the masters of the city had tried to take him down. All failed. This took many years and the lands surrounding Tal’Zaroth were now more at peace than ever. Thus Yrios started his own organization. But not in the ways of the schools. He began by training a single apprentice. The young boy, by the name of Aurelios, grew beside his master. Until he was deemed independent enough. Aurelios began to complete tasks of his own, following in the footsteps of his master who took another apprentice. Eventually, after many years the first 3 apprentices of Yrios became Masters of their own. Taking up their own teacher’s mantle. But the 3 apprentices had each a different philosophy and way of fighting. Thus they created the 3 branches of the Guild. Just like their master they each only ever trained 1 apprentice at the time. Who would after their training join the most preferred branch to rise to the status of master. This all lasted, until the normal schools their masters once more thought they could best the Guild’s odd way of magical combat. However, this time they wanted to put an end to it once and for all. They tried to burn the Guildhall. To cataclysmic effects. To them. Because one of their own younglings had told the Guildmasters about the plan. The Guild lured the masters into a trap. As they set fire to the Guildhall, the doors locked behind them and they could not escape. Some could protect themselves from the flames with magic to survive the fire. But on the following morning, they were unceremonially slaughtered. Then the Purge began. Guildmembers began to get assignments dictating to kill certain mages of schools. The city of Tal’Zaroth watched helplessly as one mage after another was found murdered in their own rooms. The Count depended greatly on both the Guild and the Schools to defend his city. He knew one was doomed and the other was rising. Interfering now would only have terrible consequences for his own city. Eventually either the mages joined the Guild or were slaughtered. And thus their reign began. They became irreplaceable to the city of Tal’Zorath. The power hungry guild forced the city council to join the Moonsong Alliance for various rights for magic users. But even now certain laws are bend to breaking point by the Guild. Who still desire nothing more than power and become the singular entity of rule over mages everywhere. [/hider]