Name: Kanoko Tanegashi Age: 17 Gender: F Appearance: Kanoko is well built and fairly tall, standing at 5'9" and 160ish pounds. She has wider hips and what seems to be a rather large chest, but in reality her body packs a lot more strength than would first appear. Being a weight lifter and someone who does strength training three times a week, Kanoko's form is thick and solid, with even the loosest clothing providing a very difficult fit for her musculature. Highly unusual for someone who likes gunpla and manages to scratchbuild aspects of a kit, other features that stand out are her rounder, cheerier face and her pastel, carrot-colored hair. With vivid green eyes to provide sharp contrast, her face is what attracts the most attention as she's usually dressed in track or exercise wear, mainly due to her workout schedule. Most days she wears a red track jacket, any kind of T-shirt underneath but traditionally ones with interesting patterns, and a pair of spats which are cut just above the knee, colored gray with a black stripe down the side. Personality: Kanoko is very upbeat and outgoing, and is usually the life of a party. Almost always in a good mood, her attitude is simply bursting with energy, the girl being enthusiastic in almost all of her ventures no matter how tedious. She puts this to good use outside of her schooling and her workouts in the form of her passion for Gunpla, a highly unusual hobby for a girl of her temperament. However, the intense fights of gunpla tournaments resonate with her, and during battles she can be seen wholly throwing herself into the fray, her excitement flooding every attack and dodge to give her haphazard fighting style its own flavor. She's incredibly friendly, and isn't afraid to tell people off if need be, but she prefers to avoid conflict if she's able to. Backstory: One wouldn't think that Kanoko would be into Gunpla, but Gundam itself as a whole is one of her greatest interests. Being the daughter of an engineer, she was introduced to Gundam by her father through the Universal Century, where he took his own inspiration in order to become an engineer. In her early years she didn't build Gunpla, but was infatuated with the storyline, gobbling down every book, anime or movie she could possibly get her hands on about the Universal Century, until the series came to a head with: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt. It was gritty, it was raw, the storyline was enthralling and the mobile suits themselves were detailed to a standard she had never seen before. The redesigns enraptured the weight training fitness girl more than anything else she had found, and the newest designs such as the Atlas or the Gundam Head GMs were fascinating to observe through the pages. Thus began her journey into Gunpla, using the energy and enthusiasm she put towards her athleticism into building gunpla and eventually submitting herself in tournaments. Other Info: She has a penchant for utilizing unusual tactics in the same vein as Io Fleming from Gundam Thunderbolt. This was bound to happen, as she has a customized variant of the FA-78 Thunderbolt Use Full Armor Gundam that she has used since she achieved a much better quality in her Gunpla builds. Her drive and passion match his as well, though she's far less vindictive and more of one to enjoy the moment. Favorite part of using any of her builds is to purge the armor and leverage the lighter weight, even if the unit has less armament as a result. Gundam Info Name: FA-78 Full Armor Gundam, ver. Kano/ RX-78AL Atlas Gundam(Prototype), both 1/144 Based from: FA-78 Full Armor Gundam, Thunderbolt Version, RX-78AL Atlas Gundam Appearance: [hider=FA-78 Full Armor Gundam] [img][/img] A version of the Full Armor Gundam from Gundam Thunderbolt, made in 1/144 scale. However, quite a lot of care has been taken in making this kit, as the entire armor package and weapons set can be disassembled from the frame, and the inner RX-78 model can be used on its own in case of a purge. Shown here is the traditional color scheme; hers is set up in three shades of crimson, a lighter one for highlights, a medium grade for the armor, and then dark for contrasting portions of the add-on armor, while the thruster bells and the vents have been recolored a dulled gunmetal. The normal RX-78 colors of the Thunderbolt have been retained, save the blue has been replaced by this crimson color scheme. Her version has eschewed the beam cannon for a rapid-fire railgun, while the right arm armament has been swapped for an assault rifle equipped with an underslung tube launcher for various munitions. Purge mode includes a heat rod stored in the left arm for use in conjunction with the beam saber. [/hider] [hider=RX-78AL Atlas Gundam(Prototype)] [img][/img] This Atlas Gundam is an entirely scratch built kit, and as such is not fully ready for combat as-is. The parts have been painstakingly manufactured, detailed and articulated thanks to the use of her friend's 3D printer to craft the entire assembly. The flash hasn't quite been sanded down yet, the frame fit but not painted well save for a few details, and none of the Atlas' original weapons systems have been added. It is as OOB as you can imagine if it were a kit, and as such, she has taken to bolstering its frame using add-on armor parts with the same method she used in making the Full Armor Gundam's removable armor in 1/144 scale. Currently, this cuts down on agility and maneuverability, but provides a buffer for situations where the Atlas can't leverage its flexibility yet while incomplete. [/hider] Armaments: Full Armor Gundam: - x3 beam sabers, one mounted on the standard backpack underneath the assault pack, the other two in the sides of the assault pack. - x1 150mm assault rifle equipped with underslung tube launcher, varying loadouts of flash, high-explosive, fragmentation, and HEAT warheads. - x4 standard shields, coated with anti-beam materials - x5 handheld cluster missile packs - x1 six-tube missile launcher pack - x1 rapid-fire railgun - x10 missile packs hidden underneath the armor plating - x1 heat rod, stored in the left arm when not in use. RX-78AL Prototype: - x2 beam sabers, stored in the shoulders for easy access. - x1 ultra-heat resistant shield, enough to withstand heavy sustained beam attacks for a duration. - x1 beam magnum, with an extended E-cap capacity and x3 extra magazines - x2 60mm vulcans mounted in the head - x1 heat rod, optional, mounted on the left arm. Other Info: The Atlas Prototype is a complete work in progress. She has not managed to finish all of the weapons for it, and as such in its current state is bare bones save for initial armament she uses when she has no other option. Kanoko is attempting to finish the Atlas Gundam for show, but in its current state, it is still a formidable unit. Once the armor is purged, though its frame is weaker, the speed increases a little over two fold and its flexibility is raised, enabling much faster reaction times. Her fighting style is based on leveraging her units' strengths and minimizing the weaknesses, and compensating when need be. The Atlas Gundam may be a contender soon enough, but for now it is unable to be used in a full combat capacity.