Luna sat almost peacefully, her eyes closed, reaching out almost tentatively, she let her mind brush over the emotions around her. The team, by now she was familiar with them, were pushed back to the side as she touched the emotions of the security team. [i]one swift bout of fear, and I could send them running. But we want to be stealth. That doesn't seem stealth[/i] she thought to herself. And apart from that, she wasn't sure if she could truly coerce that many. Instead, she merely kept track of them, waiting for any sign that they had been spotted. She was ready at a moments notice to send out an illusion, going for what would be similar to a timed loop on a camera. They simply wouldn't see her team. It was up to the others to be quite and not bump into them, elsewise the illusion was broken. Finally, when she felt like she had located all their opponents, she gave a nod, opening her eyes, although she was nervous. This wasn't simply stopping someone from raping, or stealing. This was more, with high stakes. She hoped her illusions didn't fade. She hoped she didn't pass out or something. She drew in a breath, and let it out slowly, [color=fff200]"I think I located all the guards. None seem particularly wary"[/color] She spoke softly to the group.