[hr] [color=ed1c24][H1]Gabanre[/h1][/color] [hr] interacting with: [@rivaan][@Nallore][@Zhaliora] and everyone at the Cafe Gabanre got himself told that the others are most likely at the cafe and thus he took out his car key. Since he was already pretty rich from the heritage from his dad his car was nothing other then an Audi R8. He took out his big car for a ride and said: [color=ff0000]"Cya at the cafe peeps."[/color] As he drove off. [hider=Expensive Car] [img]http://blog.caranddriver.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/2017-Audi-R8-Pricing-PLACEMENT-626x382.jpg[/img] [/hider] After a short drive he got at the cafe. He did see some youngsters and he parked his car. He did a backflip to get out of the car and went on. He walked up towards the waitress and ordered some Coca Cola as he gave her a 50 Dollar bill. He said [color=ff0000]"You can keep the rest."[/color] It was at that moment he noticed the younglings at the other side discussing some things and he decided to walk up to the. He said, with a bow [color=ff0000]"Hiya there, my name is Gabanre van Houten, nice to meet you all. Feel free to ask me things, I'm a friend of Riley."[/color] He was secretly hoping on some remarks on his backflip and on his car.