[center][b]Blair[/b][/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki][/center] Having made it through the garden, she arrived at her destination, the Backwoods Cathedral. However, the door was locked. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, given her strength and all, but the door was protected by a strong magical barrier that simply didn't budge. Though, upon further inspection, even without magic the door would cause her further irritation in attempts to open it. There's no telling the amount of time it might take to open the door. Deciding to give up on that door, she started looking around for another way in when the sound of crashing wood caught her attention. Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw 3 blood-covered men coming out of what looks to be a cellar door. [i]Well, looks like I've found my way in...but...[/i] Like before, Blair would have to go through another disgusting creature. [i]Just my luck...another pointless battle.[/i] However, unlike the last battle, it seems like she'll have to fight this one to the end, much to her annoyance. Just like the creature from the last time, these ones also held a maddening look. [i]Hmm...[/i] One of monsters went through a strange metamorphosis that made him even more hideous. After careful inspection, it didn't look all that durable but she assumes what it lacks in durability, it might make up for in speed. In short, it's going to be a pain. As that one finished, the other two seemed to be under-going the same process and from the looks of it, they didn't seem like they were able to do anything until finished. Which means, she's going to have to attack them now. Though, she'll need to keep the other one occupied enough for her to strike them and to do so, she'll need to hit a chain of successive hits if this is going to work. In her usual Blood Oath Style, she calls forth her Bloody Sunday spell to start things off. Like in similar cases, the main focus of her use of this spell in this battle would be not only to cut off her opponents visibility with the debris and tear up the ground to impede their movement but also use the moment to cast another spell in the confusion to slow down the fully metamorphed monster. Her follow up spell would then be to cast her Blood Golem Creation to make one Tank Golem, choosing quality over quantity. While that one holds him back, her next move would be to move in, cast Blood Blast on Zalmonah and detonate the two. Well, thats the plan anyways. Going forward with her plan, she casts Bloody Sunday followed by the creation of her blood golem, she readies her demonic spear and moves in to strike.