Heeeeeeeere's Lilith! [@A Tattooed Girl] Both characters need the go-ahead and I'll get a post up soon afterwards. Also, I know Gengar seems a bit over-the-top to begin, but I figured to compensate I could have him be very disobedient. That way, if he did fight, they would make a very poor team. [hider=Kind of a bad ass] [hr][hr] [center] [h1][b][i][color=ec008c]Lilith Absinthe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=Pic] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ca/57/d9/ca57d97e273e2779cd04a9cdfb16b584.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][color=ec008c]"Can't I just say something clever and quote myself?"[/color][/i] [b][color=ec008c]-Lilith[/color][/b][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRkxRfoYJDc] ~F****d Up World - The Pretty Reckless [/url] [color=ec008c]||[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUOVQ4KsX9U] ~Paranoia - ADTR [/url][/center] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Open Sesame] [center][h3][color=ec008c][i][b]Look at me! LOOK AT ME![/b][/i][/color][/h3][/center] 💗 [color=ec008c]Full-Birth Given Name [/color]💗 [indent]"Lilith Malina Absinthe, present and accounted for!"[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Nickname[/color] 💗 [indent]"Lilly, Lilith, Sin; anything really, if it gets my attention!"[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Sex Identification[/color] 💗 [indent]"Female, and I'm not picky."[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Birthdate[/color] 💗 [indent]18 March 2328, 19[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Place of Birth[/color] 💗 [indent]Prairie Village, Nebraska[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Also Knowing[/color] 💗 [indent]"Killing is my favorite ;)!!!" Lilith is known to keep, on her person, a standard Regime assault rifle, a small block of C4, and an RPG at one time. [/indent] [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Lookie Here!] [center][h3][i][color=ec008c][b]My Appetite for Destruction[/b][/color][/i][/h3][/center] 💗 [color=ec008c]Rebel or Regime?[/color] 💗 [indent][b]REGIME[/b][/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Pokemon Companion[/color] 💗 [indent]Gengar[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]History with Pokemon[/color] 💗 [indent]"Gengar was given to me by the regime recently. He was supposed to help me hunt down nasty rebels, but most the time he has other ideas. Though he is pretty headstrong, I think he knows who his evil overlord is (ME!!). Despite our differences, we both enjoy unchecked violence, so I'm sure we'll get along fine =)."[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Short Biography[/color] 💗 [indent]Lilith had trouble relating to anyone as a child. Even her own parents feared the darkness they saw inside her. What others saw as some sort of insanity however, the regime saw as a useful combat tool. At the age of ten, Lilith was plucked from her normal life and placed in a regime academy. Though she wasn't the biggest or the smartest, she seemed to have an innate aptitude for violence. After progressing quickly through even the most difficult regime training, Lilith was given her pokemon servant and sent on her way. [/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Persona[/color] 💗 [indent]Lilith is a great advocate of all things destructive. She is incredibly flashy, preferring only the most explosive methods possible for hunting and killing her rebel enemies. One might say that showmanship is her middle name. She is able to operate on much higher levels of 'crazy' than most others. Because of this, she is quite skilled at hatching and carrying out complex plans. Though seemingly committed to the regime, her alliances only lie with those that can offer her the most fun. As of now, the regime is the highest bidder.[/indent] 💗 [color=ec008c]Physical Description[/color] 💗 [indent]Lilith is rather small, at 5'5" and 124lbs. Though she seems scrawny, she is actually rather tough. Her hair is as wild as her personality, typically worn long. Her eyes, though playful, have a darkness in them. ((No, this is not Jinx from league. Imagine the above image, without the tattoos.)) [/indent] [/hider] [/hider]