[hr][hr] [center][color=LightPink][h1]Syleste Astrea Nioré[/h1] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Syleste%20Niore%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsto4fnwrf.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Red Lake Café. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Cassandra Spencer ([@Caits]), Gage Brooks and Aron Brooks ([@BlackPanther]).[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=f6989d]“Gage? Do you mind coming out here when you can?”[/color] W-What..? The very moment the words left Cassie’s lips her heart fluttered nervously within the confines of her chest, causing the young girls eyes to widen and cheeks to turn a light shade of pink as she let her attention quickly turn over to where her friend’s voice was coming from- she knew she liked him… Cassie knew that she had a crush on Gage; and she was actively going out of her way to force them to interact with each other… She was going to have to remember to have a serious talk with her if she ever managed to survive this without melting into the ground out of embarrassment… [color=LightPink]“C-Cassie..!”[/color] Leaning over slightly in the stool she was sitting on, Syl let her hand reach out to where she believed her friend to be sitting, her free hand lifting up to lay lightly over the counter in front of her so that she could help keep herself balanced as she hit the back of her hand against Cass’ leg, [color=LightPink]“I-I-... wh-what are you d-doing..? He’s b-busy at the mome-...”[/color] [color=Pink]“Hey Cas what’s-... up?”[/color] It was too late... there he was... The very moment his voice hit her ears, she couldn’t help herself- the way her heart fluttered madly in her chest... the way her cheeks flushed brightly, almost matching, if not out doing the color of her long and wavy bubblegum pink locks... the way that her hands quickly found their way once more to rest in her lap so that she could nervously play with the hem of her top... How could Cassie do this to her..! Gage was just... wonderful... There was no other word for him; or if there was, she wouldn’t be able to settle on just one. Ever since she had first been introduced to him; he was just set so far apart from any other person she had ever met before... he was kind, and caring, and gentle, and sweet... he was in all ways the guy of her dreams. [color=Pink]”Hey Syleste.”[/color] He spoke to her- he was actually speaking to her..! Gods she loved the sound of his voice... it was so soft, and so gentle... just like a melody from one of the many songs she would sit and play on the piano for hours and hours on end... one she could never get enough of... [color=LightPink]”..h-hello Gage...”[/color] She was nervous, that much was more than clear as she lifted her hands up from her lap, her head dropping slightly and her ever unseeing gaze focusing on the top of the counter between them as she took a gentle hold of her hair, her fingers anxiously playing with the ends of the long locks, [color=LightPink]”..are-... are you excited for the trip tomorrow..? Cassie said it should be really fun...”[/color] [color=f6989d]"I'm just taking Syl shopping with me, for snacks and stuff. Managed to convince her mother to let her come tomorrow."[/color] Unable to do much more than nod her head in agreement with what Cassie was saying, Syleste shifted slightly in her seat, biting down softly on the inside of her lip- why did she have to always get so nervous whenever Gage was around..? Sure she liked him, but why did it have to make talking to him as hard as it did..? It sucked... it so absolutely bit that she could barely make it through a casual conversation with him without turning into a pink puddle of blush and stutters; and she was now more than sure that Cass took some sort of pleasure in seeing her turn into a complete mess in front of him, [color=LightPink]”..I, uhm... I hope that’s okay...”[/color] [color=f6989d]”Wait, no, damn it!”[/color] Shutting her mouth rather quickly as Cassie’s annoyed voice filled the air, Syleste once more let her gaze drop down to her lap, the young girl shifting awkwardly over the stool as she bit down softly upon her lower lip, nibbling on it fir what seemed like a lifetime as her hands returned back to the hem of her top, her fingers pulling and prodding lightly at the material, [color=LightPink]”..I-I’m sorry...”[/color] Had she said something wrong..? Hunching her shoulders over just that little bit more as she heard the scraping of a stool beside her, she stooped her head lower, her bright though still cloudy baby blue eyes closing as the sound of hurried footsteps began to get further and further away until eventually, she was left alone, the soft breathing of someone on the other side of the counter however gaining her attention. [color=LightGreen]”H-h-hey.”[/color] He left... Gage had gone- no, [i]both[/i] of them had left. Gage and Cassie. Maybe it was something she said; maybe-... maybe it wasn’t a good idea for her to go on this camping trip after all... Letting her shoulders slump slightly at the thought, she lifted her hand up, her touch soft... gentle as she lightly brushed some stray strands of hair back and off her face, neatly tucking them back behind her ear as she nodded softly in acknowledgment of her other friend. [color=LightPink]”..oh, uhm... hey Aron...”[/color]