[@twannyman][@Caits][@Vicier] [center] [img]http://media.giphy.com/media/ThtgcfI3TcJ8I/giphy.gif[/img] [color=orange] [h3]The Twins[/h3] Interacting with: Gabnere Syl Cassandra Cody [/color] [/center] [hr] Gage grumbled at Cassandra. [color=pink]"I'm not hiding....I'm just....avoiding for a little bit"[/color] as he spoke he cooked. Until he stopped and sighed. [color=pink]"Out shift ends sooner the usual because we figured out how to schedule it."[/color] as in she wouldn't have to cook for very long and the we meant him and his brother. He took of his rubber gloves and tossed a pair at Cassandra. [color=pink]"All you have to do is cut the French bread into smaller pieces and put it on the plate."[/color] the plate in question had a variety of cheese along with fruit and a small bowl of oil with vinegar for dipping. He then motioned to the coffee. [color=pink]"And that too."[/color] he then nodded to her as he walked past. That would be his way of saying thank you. Gage exited the kitchen and lightly pushed Aron toward Cody. Aron let out an oof sound as he was pushed. He then sat next to Syl and tilted his head. [color=pink]"Hey sorry about leaving....Aron is having a few hard moments and dragged me away."[/color] he caught himself wanting to touch her in some way but refrained. [color=pink]"I am very excited and I'm....I'm really happy you're coming"[/color] his voice was still soft as he spoke the end of the sentence laced with nervousness. Aron was pushed toward Cody...he blinked at Cody and flushed hard, but turned to focus on the guy that had backflipped out of the car earlier. Aron hoped Cody would know that he was just trying to cool off a bit currently. Part of him being very afraid of going back to Cody and losing functionality. He also knew that Gage would purposely ignore the new guy...especially with a certain girl with pink hair around. He held his hand out to Gabnere and smiled. [color=lightgreen]"Hey I'm Aron. Cool to meet you."[/color] sure now his brain is perfectly fine.