Anuriel noticed how carefully Sephiroth avoided her question, she noticed people tended to avoid answering such a question regardless of who was asking. Anuriel went to her tent and retrieved the tome. It was certainly ancient looking and appeared to be made from some sort of thick leather. A polished stone was embedded in the middle of the cover. "Dov-bormah has appeared. " Anuriel whispered to herself. She made the return journey to Sephiroth. One of the dragonlets, a dark grey one with long slender wings, appeared to regard her very carefully before falling asleep on Sephiroth's feet. The others were having a brawl, rolling around in a mess of wings, legs, and bodies. "The book, Seph-dov. " Anuriel said. Anuriel held out the book just as one of the dragonlets discovered he could breathe fire. Right at Sephiroth. The offender whimpered, knowing it was bad even though it was an accident. -------------- Damien scarpered as fast as his feet could carry him. He ran to Azurael. "What's wrong?" Azurael asked, concerned at the panic on Damien's face. "The dragon man threatened me. " Damien said, and melodramatically appeared to faint. "you should have gone to drama school. " Azurael muttered as she picked the demon up and carried him to the medical tent. She dropped him on the floor and gave him a hefty kick to the ribs. "Of, why did you do that?" Damien complained. "I had to carry you here and your bad acting." "Medic!" Azurael called out. --------- Sasha had once again awoken and was walking about in a detached state.