Work in progress. [hider=You're that ninja] [b]Name[/b]: Shaoqing Shan [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Theme Song[/b]: [b]Height[/b]: 5'6 [b]Weight[/b]: 53kg [b]Personality[/b]: Focused, serious, confident, but also a bit of a trickster. He is fond of exercising his skills, but at the same time is quite conservative, which can surprise some people as he may refuse to do things when people think he wouldn't. That said, he is proud of his skills, and knows he's good at his job which can get irritating for some people, and his job is espionage and assassination. He may not have stealth capabilities in his skills and weapons, which is exactly why he's so proud. He's damn good at the stealth section without any powers. Academically, he is more than simply capable, and is even learning multiple languages, his career path seems to be in the shadows, and thus has already undertaken training for that purpose. [b]Aura[/b]: Flashy blue with lightning. [b]Weapon[/b]: Handgun, Sword [b]Weapon Name[/b]: Raiden [b]Weapon Functions[/b]: As a handgun, it functions as one would expect a handgun would. Although it has a few special features, first it's a dual ammo system and can switch between firing the revolver cartridge, or the handgun cartridge. The handgun cartridge fires regular rounds, and has a better firing rate, while the revolver cartridge is usually fitted with special dust bullets, and he carries more of these to load up whenever they are needed. The sword flips the handgun out and creates a blade of aura, or rather, lightning. There is a conductive rod in the middle that recycles the lightning around it, allowing him to keep it out for huge amounts of time for negligible cost. Kusanagi is a better cutting tool than the Raiden sword however, as that is a much purer and concentrated blade of lightning. This is more a sidearm for self-defense. [b]Armor/ Clothing[/b]: [b]Semblance Name[/b]: Lightning Conversion [b]Semblance[/b]: In essence, the ability is to transform any aura he comes into contact with on touch into lightning, allowing him to completely destroy aura-based defenses and deal all that aura back to them as lightning damage. Condition is that he must come into contact with it through his hands, bare skin and all, making this kind of tactic risky if used incorrectly, but devastating and often an instant win if used correctly. Naturally he can transform his own aura into lightning and channel it, allowing him to throw out lightning bolts, or travel upon them allowing lightning-fast movements. His movement skills can be surprisingly silent too, or he can simply use it to jolt his own body to move faster than normal. He has a technique tree called "Susano'o", based on converting aura into pure blades of lightning. The moves are as follows, [list][*] Kusanagi - Creates a katana of lightning, which he can simply use. Lasts for a fair amount of time, and can slice through most surfaces. He can naturally control the length for a larger or shorter blade, depending on the need. [*] Kamaitachi - He can throw out small blades of lightning like shuriken. [*] Raijin - He creates a bow of lightning and fires a shot. [*] Fuujin - He creates kusarigama, a sickle and chain weapon. [/list] [b]Strengths[/b]: As a ninja he's really good at keeping himself hidden, but also due to his lightning skills, he can dispatch a foe in an instant. Unique to him compared to other stealthy fighters is that he can instantly destroy tanks who rely on their semblance, sneak up behind, and feedback all their aura into lightning and put them out of commission in an instant. His lightning weapons are also incredibly difficult to defend against due to their penetrative and destructive capabilities, and can dispatch foes in an instant. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: As a ninja, most direct fighters would beat him out on skill alone, so what he must rely on is his variety of skills to survive. Even his main weapon is more a side-arm than a main weapon, a simple sword and handgun. There is the reason he boasts the best acrobatic skill and agility of his colleagues, he would prefer to run and hide for a better opportunity when opposed. Plus, he needs to make contact for his feedback for long enough for it to take full effect, so he can also be vulnerable if spotted leading up to this move. His [b]Bio[/b]: [b]Etymology[/b]: Shan meaning "flash/lightning", and Shaoqing meaning "young blue". [b]Family[/b]: [b]Other Notes[/b]: [/hider]