[@Weird Tales] Accepted [quote=@Tatsua Aiisen] [@Footman] It was not my intention that Mist would be deeply familiar with the mechanics of the Shadow Realm. It is, after all, a taboo subject for a reason. It's her job to guide spirits there, not to be a master of its lore. That said, she would probably have a basic understanding of the mechanics of things going back and forth between the worlds, and understand the rudimentary nature of the realm. She'd know more than the others, but not even close to a lot. I thought this would be a better approach~ [/quote] That's absoloutely fine, and in that case, you can probably gleam enough details from what is already written. Eternal twilight, swirling mists of deranged souls, and a powerful almost bottomless reserve of arcane energy, etc etc. No one really knows what its purpose is, or its nature, just that it's a baaaaaaad place that has destroyed all of those that have tried to use and abuse it... except Gargth the Fallen...