[h2][center][b]The Stage[/b][/center][/h2] [center][img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/1057/1057761-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Once you lived in your own world. Whatever your status, hero or villain, you played your role to the story of your land. That all changed one day when a frosty fog descended from the skies and swept you away. Only in the blink of an eye you awoke among others also stolen from their homes, standing in a foggy old village. It was empty, but lanterns hummed freshly in the windowsills. Some of you tried to venture into the dark forests surrounding the town, only to find it endless. Above the trees stands unreachable mountains, and on them rests the shadow of a tower that propels itself into the night sky. At the top window there is a light which ceases to stop flickering. Months pass. A year actually. With seemingly no way of getting home, you and your newfound friends have taken the village for yourselves. The year has not been without perils however, as about every few weeks something spawns from the direction of the tower. Sometimes a beast, sometimes a man, but what you have all come to the conclusion of is this: You are nothing but a performance to the light in the tower.[/i][/center] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So hi! I've been itching to get into a multiverse roleplay again after [i]years[/i] without one. Despite the title and introduction, this is supposed to be a light-hearted roleplay with wacky shenanigans. I'm hoping to go for a more sandbox-oriented setup, where stories are generated through roleplaying. The only leading story would be the search for an escape, the tower, and the introduction of a new npc every few in-game weeks (Or how I like to go by it, Episodes). Think of Courage the Cowardly Dog. Something or someone is introduced and our cast of characters finds a way to get around it. This will be a very relaxed roleplay though, something simple in which he can mess around with. Let me know if you guys are interested. When this grows more attention, I'll go into a lot more depth with how the roleplay will work. I'm looking for a cast of 4-5 players. Thanks for reading!