[hider= The Grand Kingdom of Dallin][center] [h1]The Grand Kingdom of Dallin[/h1] [img]http://g04.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1eJgKLpXXXXaKaXXXq6xXFXXXC/COS-banner-custom-animation-font-b-Final-b-font-font-b-Fantasy-b-font-Zero-Suzaku.jpg[/img] [b]Head of State, Age[/b]: King Adelius Odrimus VI(28) [b]Capital[/b]: Odria [b]City Names[/b]: (Please provide at least 10) - Edellis - Dallis - Ordomil - Lordill - Ovelius - Adallius - Derius - Ordrum - Derum - Atlius [b]Province Names[/b]: - Odrius - Aldius - Derius - Lerius - Armius [b]Emphasis[/b]: -- Stability. -- Size. -- Population. -- Colonies. [b]-- Military[/b]. -- Navy. [b]-- Economy.[/b] -- Education. -- Protectorates. [b]Brief History[/b] The small nation of Dallin is located in the south-east of the Azrekan Kingdom. The nation in itself is located in a heavily mountainous area with a precious few valleys providing the food for the population of the kingdom. The people of Dallin are known for their skill in arms and for the riches their mountains provide(from the more common metals all the way to the valuable silver and gold) The nation, realizing that it wouldn't be able to maintain it's independence and it's resources, became more militaristic as the years went by, but rather focusing on skill and discipline rather than mere numbers. However, it knew that even so that it wouldn't be able to protect itself, so the first king of Dallin made an "Eternal Alliance" with the kingdom of Azrekan that lasts to this day, following them in every war that they have participated.[/center][/hider]