[@Airalin] The ground, Camilla noticed immediately, was burning hot, searing hot even. She imagined her hands and knees must've been scraped pretty badly or at least a little burnt on account of the heat but as she picked herself up off the ground she could see no sign of injury at all. She looked through all the people hurrying past, suddenly very aware of her loneliness. She'd ran off without her friends and now she was lost. Like an answer to her thoughts a voice called out her name. She turned to the familiar sound, already beaming. She scrambled over toward Abby, dodging between passer-bys. "Abby!" she said excitedly reaching towards her. Another voice called above her's, mimicking Abby's call for her, though deeper and much louder. Camilla grabbed Abby's hand and inched behind her. Through the all the people she could see him, distressed his dark eyes sweeping the streets. "Abby we have to go, he's a criminal probably," she whispered urgently, "wheres everyone else?"