Zin was unable to retrieve his thrown weapon by the time he was set upon by two dastardly looking bandits. One on either side of him, they both grinned thinking they had the upper hand. Zin quickly tumbled to the side as both bandits charged without a word. Zin gritted his teeth in pain as the shielded bandit managed to slice his shoulder as he tumbled away. Blood streamed down his left arm. He cursed to himself. He was getting sloppy in his exhaustion and it could cost him his life if he wasn’t careful. Thinking he had to end this quickly Zin rushed forward before the bandits could recoup from their failed charge. In several blurry moments, Zin swiftly managed to elbow the burly bandit with the mace in the gut, knocking him over. This gave Zin time to deal with the one who had wounded him. Then lean bandit cried out and swung again, which Zin narrowly blocked. Then Zin parried, but missed. Just as the Bandit with the mace regained his senses and attempted to get back to his feet, Zin kicked him in the chest sending him right back to the ground. Zin twirled out-of-the-way as the other bandit attacked from behind. Then out of sheer luck, Zin sliced clean through the lean man’s wrist as the bandit went to swing at the spot Zin had been standing. The bandit screamed in horror as his sword, still clenched in his dismembered hand, fell to the ground. “Oh Shut Up! You always were a sniveling little girl,” the other bandit said as he finally regained his feet. He swung his mace, smacking his companion on the back of the head. The first bandit dropped and his killer then set his eyes on Zin. Apparently, Honor amongst thieves only went so far. Zin dodged the mace again, staying just outside the bandit's range. It was much harder to block against a heavy mace with only a single kukri and Zin was growing more and more ragged by the minute. Suddenly Zin found himself with a face full of dirt. He had tripped over a dead body in an attempt to evade the bandit’s mace. However, Zin had just enough time to roll over to see the bandit standing over him. The bandit had the mace lift up high ready to deliver a powerful blow but he left his middle exposed. Zin thrust his kukri right into the man’s gut and twisted. The bandit spat out blood as he realized his mistake, then his knees gave collapsing right on top of Zin.