[b]IF[/b] Glancing over at one of the others who had spoken up after she did, recommending that they split up before they went, IF froze at the sight of the blood that seemed to be practically omnipresent on the being. Where had they just come from to get like that? Even the dungeons she went to didn't tend to wind up with someone having that much injuries on them. It was amazing that she was still standing. Nonetheless, IF did agree. It was the rational thing to do in a situation like this, but it seemed that no one else would listen. Charmeine assured them that the worlds would be safe once they had succeeded, and created some warp panels that could be used to get where they needed to go. The worlds were interesting, one with strong fighters, the other with mages. Soon enough the groups were splitting up to go on their way. Sighing, IF shot a smile at the robed figure. "People just never listen, do they," she commented before heading through the portal as well, heading to Mid-Childa. Arriving, she wound up next to the guy with the staff and the girl with giant gauntlets, in some place that seemed much more advanced than where they had been before. With everything she had seen in the various lands of Gamindustri, it wasn't that shocking, and IF rolled with it. "The dig site sounds like a good place to start," she agreed. Even if she had the sneaking suspicion that there would probably be some boss monster there, possibly a sealed evil waiting to be unlocked. That was just how this sort of thing went after all. "Oh, and I'm IF," she added. Just so they'd have the interactions done with. [hr] [b]Ulith[/b] "Well now, this seems familiar," Ulith noted with a smirk as she moved through the portal with Gilgamesh and the others, to find herself in front of what looked like a stereotypical Japanese high school. When one thought of hitmen they might be more likely to consider bald men with oddly placed barcode tattoos on the backs of their heads, but it seemed that this was not to be the case. Not that she had a problem with it. Of course, the boisterous fellow that had led the way began to speak, something about dividing up loot or what have you. "Do what you want," she reassured the big fellow. "I don't need any loot." Not that she thought they would be getting much loot from here in the first place. With a hum she looked around before striding towards the entrance of the school, looking back towards Gilgamesh over her shoulder at the same time. "Do what you want, but I'm going to start in the school. There should be someone inside who can give us the lay of the land." Even if they had to be 'persuaded' to do so. But hey, that just meant more fun for her.