Cecil didn’t know where he was supposed to go or where anybody might be hidden in a place like this. It was highly possible when somebody was hiding something that they’d hide it underground, but he couldn’t go crashing through the ground like he did the walls and doors. He needed to know where he had to go where he wouldn’t hurt the one he was trying to find, especially when he didn’t know his own strength to properly control it. That was the problem with organic lifeforms especially, they all seemed so fragile and it only really served to worry him that he might end up upsetting Ethan some more. It wasn’t fair, he wasn’t getting on at the others for killing all over the place and all he did was accidentally kill. He didn’t mean to kill but they were all aiming to and yet he got punished. Nevertheless, Cecil was still going to try and limit himself, even if it meant he was going to endanger himself. It shouldn’t matter that much, he would just get repairs if he got damaged eventually, or they can leave him behind if they wanted to. He was just a machine, he didn’t have the same lives they had and had only existed for a short while compared to them. After swinging his gauntlets around he could only pause, calling out to Amuné hoping she would answer. Unfortunately there was no answer, he was instead left panicking over where he was supposed to go without causing the building to collapse. In a brief moment of panic there was a loud ‘thunk’ near him as if something hit hard against something else right near him, stumbling from his spot before suddenly Wyth came flying out of nowhere and took a fair bite out of an attacker. He barely had time to register what was going on, there was too much that wasn’t happening for him to comprehend. Groaning lightly he tried to find balance again, stepping lightly to the side before looking back to Wyth. Guess he was supposed to follow him, but where to he didn’t know if he could tell. Frowning, he started moving behind him, keeping his fists ready in case he had to start throwing them around again. “Just don’t bite or hit me if I don’t do what you want…”