[@Pineappletumble] "You could have closed the door," Iris says as she hears the water running. She did not know it was coming from him or the sink. "I thought I would be the cranky one as you hogged all the pillows." She guess James did not get the meaning that he also use her soft chest as one too. "To your question from the bathroom, we sit down to eat breakfast first than we find out what they want." She sits the tray down and pulls the cover off. She is glad to see pancakes, eggs, and sausage with spices in all of her food. She looks over at the second tray to see what Is under James's tray. [@SirSqueakalot91] "Morning, hot stuff." Lila says as she tease him back smiling slightly. She is surprise he sleeps half naked than just sleeping in his underwear. She starts to blush but turns away to hide it. She hands him a shirt, "you can make anybody ease up in any situation." She hope she can do the sas etching for him as well. "Let see what we have for breakfast and what is in the envelope." Lila says as she opens the envelope, "after breakfast they want us come to the banquet hall."