[hider=Mithias] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v178/Wraithblade6/VHD_zpsifjfrux5.jpg[/img] Appearance: There are no good images for Mithias, so you will have to go on a description. Mithias is about 6'2", athletic, skin that is pretty much white, long black straight hair that ends unevenly around midback, minimal or no facial hair, and bright yellow eyes. He is a beautiful beast, but clearly a vampire. He tends to dress pragmatically, such as for stealth, business, or to blend-in wherever he is going. Typically a long coat and some kind of head cover, like a hat or mask. Name: Mithias, former human name was Varomere. Age: 727 Species: vampire faction: formerly a renown Soldier operative. backstory: Mithias was in hiding for most of his unlife. He generally protected humans, mostly distant descendants of his. He sided against Magnus in the Nightwars, when vampires became known to the world. Most humans know him as a hero, and example of a 'good' vampire, but picking a side has also made him many enemies. Recently, his car was sabotaged and blown up. The incident was played down by the media, but many believe he didn't survive. Powers: Not even vampires can read or influence his mind. A moderate degree of pyrokinesis. Basic vampire speed and strength that does seem unusually strong for his age. Skills: Private investigator, trained in modern warfare, weapons, military equipment. Can fly a copter or plane. Personal finance. Swords, bow, whip. Quirks: Distrusting of powerful human organizations. [/hider]