"Bad singer and a stand in, huh?" Sky questioned leaning over the bar to look at him a bit closer. "I don`t think that`s it." She said studying his face before leaning back on her heels. "You definitely have the voice, that`s for damn sure. Maybe it was my good looks." The red head joked around before looking at him seriously. "Or maybe you saw something shocking, something you didn`t think you would?" "As to what that was, I have no clue." This guy was certainly strange when he started her question she looked at him intently. Been where? That question didn`t seem to be going in the direction of tired. What else could he have asked though? Something else was on his mind and it included her in some way. Whatever it was she didn`t know, but she wanted to know. That being said she just met this guy, well actually met was a strong word, more like encountered him. He definitely was the socially awkward type as this conversation was going. "Tired, I guess you could say I am. To be honest I`ve been having a lot of nightmares lately, it`s been a struggle to sleep." Sky admitted sheepishly. "I thought I hid it well with make up but I guess I was wrong." She said with a small chuckle before she studied him before she looked at Gregor. "I agree, I don`t think he`s a bad singer at all. People around here don`t exactly take well to bad singers. It`s more like the more they drink the worse they get." Sky joked before looking back at Gwyn. "Definitely not bad though, name`s Sky, although from your introduction with Gregor here, it doesn`t seem like I`m gonna hear your name, but you could always surprise me."