[CENTER][img]http://gisxpert.com/img/aod/mushishi_forest_mini.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [CENTER][hr][hr][color=ed145b][b][h2]UPDATE[/h2][/b][/color][hr][hr][/CENTER][@Baklava][@lydyn][@Zero Hex][@Thecrash20] Every time children, from all across the world, headed to Four Winds, a select few always managed to get lost along the way. This wasn't much of a surprise given the location of the academy. This occurred more frequently than one would think, forcing the academy's management to deal with this issue. Sadly, not much attention was directed towards the addressing of the problem since the paperwork required to alter the landscape and ambient magical energy of Mt. Fuji, was probably as tall as it was. So instead, they opted for a simpler solution. As Rey, Rhian, and Rosa continued "getting to know each other." The eerie silence shrouded the forest, [url=http://www.learner.org/jnorth/sounds/Owl_Barred_HooHooHooah.mp3]was suddenly broken[/url]. In Japan, owls were considered to be symbols of good luck; did this mean that they were going the right way? However, encountering one in the wild, was quite a rarity. Soon, the [url=http://www.learner.org/jnorth/sounds/Owl_EasternScreech_Whinny.mp3]hooting[/url] of [url=http://www.learner.org/jnorth/sounds/Owl_EasternScreech_Trill.mp3]several[/url] other [url=http://www.learner.org/jnorth/sounds/Owl_GreatHornedAlarmedAdult.mp3]owls[/url] filled the [url=http://www.learner.org/jnorth/sounds/Dove_Mourning.mp3]forest[/url]. One by one, they appeared circling above the three, slowly moving in closer, creating a cacophony that was nothing but annoying. This was definitely strange, but to add to the confusion, for some reason, all the owls were somewhat...pink.