[@KatherinWinter] [center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=124340&s=95&t=RETRO&c=FF0033[/img] [url=http://s1.1zoom.me/big0/615/425497-Kycb.jpg]Picture[/url] [img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=124340&s=35&t=Elliott%20D.%20Sinclair&c=CC00CC[/img][/center] El had to laugh when she heard Griffin say [b]"My creation is not something you need to experience."[/b] and when she'd recentered herself moments later she looks up into his eyes [color=ff0033]I've watched as serial killers committed acts so unspeakable that they make the most horrid film of Gore look like an episode of Barney and Friends. I'm not saying your's is an experience of less brutality only that after being exposed to the terror filled deaths of over 40 people in intimate detail I've become numb a bit and am sure that as I grow older that my shock will disappear. How I see events in the past is as an uninvolved and helpless observer; I wish in each case that I could reach back in time and warn them or help them in some way but the past is just that. No what worries me more than what I see is how people treat me once the realize I can see their secrets. They keep me at arms length or avoid me; even my own parents are afraid of what I see. they worry that I'll see or have seen them fight, make love or do things they feel guilty for doing. And that isn't my greatest trouble; no my greatest trouble is that I'll never experience love in it's basic and intimate manner because of what I am and what I see.[/color] she sighs then her expression becomes sadder [color=ff0033]Then there is the government which if they ever discovered the scope of my abilities will lock me away to be brought out only in cases of national emergency to investigate disasters and attacks or to spy into the past of people they deem enemies of the state. Take your computer for instance if I can touch it and focus my ability on it I'd see you enter your password or an ATM. I can read dead languages or codes as if I were a native speaker. Show me a film of people talking without sound and I can still follow the conversation; I transcribed the Hitler home movies as a lark, watched the Dallas ride of Kennedy and heard his last words as if I were there. But even with all that I want to be thought of as a confidant who can keep their word and not a gossip. I'd never simply tell others what i saw in your past just for attention or I'd assure myself that I'd be the pariah I fear becoming.[/color]