[hider=Rebekah Fell] [b]Name[/b]: Rebekah Cross [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing 5’10”, Rebekah Fell tends to be rather striking for a few reasons. The contrast of her pitch black hair and skin as pale as a Spacenoid that has never set foot on Earth is the first, accented by the middle ground of her gray Federation uniform. Said uniform is always immaculate and pressed, the picture of attention to detail. Her cap is always worn, as well, as it serves to conceal the fact that her hair is most definitely [i]not[/i] regulation length. It is always tied up and concealed under her cap in public, but falls down to her waist when let loose. It is her sole deviation from protocol, and one she is oddly protective of. She cuts a striking, unusually curvy figure though her build is downplayed by the rigid contours of the standard Federation uniform. Her posture and movements, like her demeanor, are rigid and militaristic as though she is perpetually at attention. Her featured could be considered pretty, but the effect is significantly diminished by the inscrutably cold neutrality that always adorns her features. Her violet eyes are always alert, roaming her surroundings with great intensity even when she seems (as close as she gets to) relaxed. [b]Origin[/b]: Earthnoid [b]Faction[/b]: EFSF [b]Newtype[/b]: Quite possibly. As an Earthnoid, Rebekah has not spent the time in space necessary to awaken any latent Newtype potential. She has however demonstrated an exceptional understanding of her position in space, even in a three-dimensional environment like space, and unusually swift reaction times. Neither necessarily guarantees Newtype potential, as both could merely be natural skill, but time in space may awaken said latent potential. [b]Personality[/b]: Cold. Aloof. Dispassionate. These, and other synonyms, would be the impression someone meeting Rebekah for the first time would probably give. The GM pilot is not an easy woman to get to know. Her tendency to keep everyone at arm’s length is mostly surface-deep, and anyone who spends time around her is bound to catch glimpses past it. She is highly loyal and protective to her comrades, whether she shows any sign of it or not. No one gets left behind if she can help it, and every pilot that fails to come back from a battle is a personal failing to her. Anyone who manages to befriend her has earned a friend for life. Friendship is not something she takes lightly, and she will stop at nothing to help or protect a friend. Nothing is of higher importance. Rebekah is a warm, quirky girl with an amusing fondness for desserts if you manage to get past the surface. What she feels passionate about, be it a hobby or an ideal, she is [i]very[/i] passionate about. [b]Backstory[/b]: There is little to say about Rebekah Fell’s early life. She was born to a university professor and an accountant and raised in a modest home. Her performance in school was above average, though not extremely, and she maintained a close circle of friends throughout her childhood. Her aspirations, as she aged, seemed geared mostly towards a good college education and a comfortable, albeit quiet, life. She was an avid athlete, mostly of the track and martial arts variety, but her athletics were mostly just hobbies. The growing tensions between Earth and Side 3, and ultimately the outbreak of the One Year War, changed all of that. Though not personally affected Rebekah lost friends to Operation British and the early days of the war, as everyone did. The atrocities hardened her, and she enlisted without hesitation in the Federation’s forces when their recruitment drive began. Rebekah was actually an early pilot of the Ball, and one of the fortunate ones who survived their time as a pilot of the spherical coffin. Her reflexes served her extremely well as the pilot of such a mobile, but poorly armored, unit. The experience carried over extremely well when she was issued an RGM-79 GM, giving her an edge that less experienced combatants lacked. As time marched on, and variations of the base GM were developed, Rebekah began to specialize into units that would maximize her maneuverability and firepower, usually at the detriment of armor. While many struggled with such suits, her time in the Ball proved invaluable. The culmination of this is her Striker EX, customized slightly to suit her needs, a unit that she is quite affectionate towards. [b]Other Info[/b]: Born UC 0060, O- blood type, maintains an extensive personal collection of movies and television to watch in her quarters. [b]Mobile Suit Info[/b]: [url=http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/RGM-79FP-S1_GM_Striker_EX_(Metal_Spider)]RGM-79-FP-S1 GM Striker EX[/url] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/0/01/GM_Striker_EX.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160505185814[/img] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/2/23/RGM-79FP-S1_GM_Striker_EX.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/331?cb=20160505192842[/img] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/c/c7/GM_Striker_EX_weapons.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/329?cb=20160505210804[/img] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/1/1f/L-9_Type_Beam_Rifle.png/revision/latest?cb=20130630091057[/img] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/9/9c/Rx-79gez-8-shield.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120331200937[/img] [/hider] [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]: -2x 60mm Vulcans -Beam Saber -AE/ZIM.HK Type-4 Heat knife -YHI RAQ-SS-Wp Sashot Anchor: Arm-mounted launcher intended to embed its spike in a target (enemy unit, enemy ship, asteroid, etc) attached to a long metal retractable cable. Mounted on the right arm. -YHI 1GL-84SB Grenade Launcher Anchor: Sidearm that launches explosive spikes that embed in the target before exploding. -L9 Type Beam Rifle: Long range beam rifle with fold-out bipod. Mounted horizontally on the back in place of a second knife. -BOWA BR-M-84H-H-4 Type Beam Rifle: Handheld, primary weapon. -RGM*S-Sh-WF/S-00109 (Renpou [Federation] GUNDAM Mass-produced Small Shield: Shield taken from ground-use GMs, stock save for beam coating added for Rebekah’s use. Mounted on left forearm. -Thermal Visor: Thermal imaging system mounted on, and deployable from, the forehead. The GM Striker EX, nicknamed Metal Spider by some due to its thermal visor, is a general use custom mobile suit created from the ground-use, close-combat-oriented GM Striker. The Striker EX features additional thrusters that allow for extremely high acceleration at the cost of armor and ballistic protection. The Striker EX, as used by Rebekah Fell, is a high-mobility assault unit oriented towards mid-to-long range engagement. Though capable in close combat, it is meant to avoid it; due to its light armor any strike in close combat is likely to be critical, and strikes cannot be easily avoided in close quarters. [/hider]