The wizard, [color=mediumpurple]Bargle[/color], paced nervously alongside the Blackoak Rill and tossing small pebbles into the water. Some of them skipped and skidded while others dipped under the water with a loud [i]plop![/i]. "Where is he!?" muttered the wizard, pulling up his long purple robes, which kept snagging and catching on twigs and rocks; hardly the appropriate attire for a trek through the forest. "Fool mercenary! No, no, NO! Fool Bargle! To trust a man who works for coin alone...Bah!" Bargle threw down his handful of stones in frustration and stopped abruptly. Voices. The wizard stroked his long black beard and squinted his beady eyes. "Just over the ridge...Perhaps I should hide...Maybe it's the mercenary? But I told him to come alone!" [color=mediumpurple]Bargle[/color] raced towards the tree line, still tripping over his rather large robes. He pulled up the silver trimmed hood to conceal his face as he ducked into the woods and hid behind an enormous [url=]black oak tree[/url].