Dusty's face visibly twitched with anger when she was referred to as kid. She didn't care of the walking sack of minced meat was hundreds of years old, no one called her kid. Throwing all caution, not that she had any to begin with, the raider snapped back. "Yeah? Well hows about you go do something more productive? Like deep throating a cactus!" But something interrupted, or at least redirected, her rage. Someone was tapping on her. Dusty whipped her head around, lips curled back in an almost animalistic snarl, ready to lash out at whoever was bothering her. But then realized she recognized him. It took a moment for her eyes to focus on who was sitting next to her. His face, and the smile and wink, was very familiar. A person she had brushed paths with for quite a few times. Them meeting like this would have felt strange, but the two always collided at the strangest of times. The Raiders face changed for a moment, from anger to confusion. She wasn't confused about seeing him, it was bound to happen eventually, but his name was escaping her. More often then not she was high when she saw him. His name wasn't all important, especially when he was feeding her bad habits. She finally spoke, her angry tone replaced by one laced with interest. "Uh...hey there doc...?" Dusty took this lapse in her withdraw filled anger to take in her surroundings. She was with several other people, more then she could count. A clean looking man, a ghoul, a man with a gnarly looking scar, and doc. Oh and another ghoul, who was being an asshole. She felt the rage returning, her vision focusing on the ghoul standing over them. He had been talking, but she wasn't listening. And now he was leaning down with wire cutters. It took nearly all her self control to not attempt to slug the ghoul in his wrinkly face. But the rattling of caps kept her from succumbing. She could punch people later, right now she wanted caps. The second her hands were free Dusty began digging through her bag, trying to find something...anything...to get rid of the itch in her veins. She didn't get to search for long before the group was being moved along. --- New Reno. And even though she couldn't read the sign Dusty already knew she loved this place. Dirty. Bright. Crowded. And with a fuck ton of caps in her pocket she knew what her first stop would be. She could see them, chem dealers, lurking along the sides of the roads. She was hoping to find someone more...credible, but eventually she would just get what she gets. The Raider broke away from the group a few times to blow kisses and wink at the passing hookers, not even remembering how she got the caps and what they were even doing in the city. She didn't even know who the people she was traveling with were. Dusty coughed, scratching at her arm for a moment before turning to the group. "So...where we going?"